Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

BIA-ALCL sounds like a frightening condition, but it is important to know that it is easily treatable if you do develop it. Unfortunately, even when breast augmentation is performed by a highly skilled board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Golosow, complications can occur. BIA-ALCL is a rare complication but it is still good to know the symptoms and treatment options.

What is Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma?

BIA-ALCL is a type of lymphoma that can occur in women who have breast implants. BIA-ALCL is an uncommon cancer and is usually highly treatable. This condition occurs when a cancerous mass develops around the implant and occurs most frequently in women who have implants with textured surfaces. BIA-ALCL is not breast cancer, but instead a cancer of the immune system. 


BIA-ALCL has been found in women with both silicone and saline implants and both breast cancer reconstruction and cosmetic patients. The key to developing it seems to be the textured surface of the implant. The important thing to know is that, to date, there haven’t been any confirmed cases of BIA-ALCL in women with smooth-shelled implants.  

Should I Have My Textured Implants Removed?

As of March 1, 2023, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has recognized 411 cases of BIA-ALCL in the United States and 1,350 cases worldwide. Therefore, most women who have textured implants do  NOT develop BIA-ALCL. 


It is not currently recommended that patients have textured implants removed unless they develop symptoms such as a mass or fluid collection which would then need to be evaluated. In fact, the FDA has specifically said that, in the absence of symptoms, implant removal is not necessary.


That said, some women want to minimize risk by exchanging textured for smooth implants if it gives them peace of mind. Also, companies like Allergan have pulled their textured implant products from the market out of an abundance of caution and now only provide smooth-shelled implant products.  

How Would I Know If I Have BIA-ALCL?

The most common sign of BIA-ALCL is the development of fluid or swelling around an implant. This usually happens 8-10 years after an implant is placed but can be as early as a year or happen years later. Other symptoms of BIA-ALCL can include breast pain, enlargement, hardening of the implant capsule, skin rash, or the development of a lump in the breast or armpit. 


Although this type of cancer is rare, women who develop these symptoms should be evaluated by a board-certified plastic surgeon who can do a physical exam and perhaps further testing. If a lump or enlargement is seen on a physical exam, the physician might order an ultrasound or an MRI to further evaluate. If fluid or a mass is found on these exams, a biopsy or aspiration of the fluid will be done to test for BIA-ALCL.  

What Happens if I Develop BIA-ALCL?

The important thing to know is that most of the time BIA-ALCL is very treatable. Usually, the implant is removed along with the scar tissue ( the capsule) around the implant. Testing of the lymph nodes may be done and a PET/CT scan performed to look for any spread of the disease. Referral to an oncologist would also be in order. Some patients with advanced disease may need chemotherapy or rarely radiation. 

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Golosow is recognized as a leading provider of breast augmentation and implant removal in Fort Myers, FL. If you are interested in breast implant removal or replacement, we encourage you to schedule a consultation today so that we can ease your worries and ensure your health.

Breast Augmentation: Round vs. Teardrop Implants

Breast implants come in a variety of shapes and one of the most common questions patients ask is whether to go for a round or teardrop implant. Beyond shape, other factors to consider for breast augmentation include the following:

  • Size
  • Textured vs smooth
  • Material
  • Incision
  • Profile
  • Placement

If all these options seem daunting, know that Dr. Lorraine Golosow can walk you through all your options to help you make the most informed decision in crafting your ideal bust.

Teardrop vs Round

The issue of implant shape depends on the following factors.

  • Your desired aesthetic
  • Where you want the incision to be
  • Where the implant will be placed in the breast pocket
  • Your anatomy

Teardrop/Anatomical/Shaped Implants

Teardrop breast implants, sometimes called “shaped” or “anatomical” implants, are larger at the bottom so that they better resemble natural breasts. The fullest point of the implant is off-center beneath the nipple. Teardrop implants can be used to counteract moderate sagging while also contributing to augmentation and tend to be chosen by patients who favor natural aesthetics.

Teardrops contain either regular or highly cohesive silicone gel, also called “gummy bear” implants, to give a highly natural feel to the breast. They are also usually textured to prevent rotating within the chest cavity. The main drawback to teardrops is that their volume is not evenly spread out like natural breasts or round implants.

Round Implants

Round implants were the first on the market for breast augmentation surgery. Because they are symmetrical, they provide greater fullness to the upper breast and cleavage than teardrops. The internal fluid flows freely, following the body when lying down or running, which means that the fluid tends to settle within the lower section of the implant, almost simulating a teardrop effect. Round implants’ biggest detriment is that they are ill-suited for patients with petite frames or little natural breast tissue.

Which Shape is Right for Me?

While teardrops can help many women achieve a more natural look, they may not be the best option for you depending on your unique anatomy and goals for breast augmentation. It’s important to keep in mind that a natural look is still possible with round implants.

Teardrops can offer greater customization than round implants, going beyond simply adding volume by extending to other dimensions like slope prominence. They also tend to be more expensive than round implants. Teardrops fill more of the lower breast but cause a distorted appearance if they rotate and necessitate a larger incision to place than round ones.

Anyone wanting a significant breast size increase is probably better served by round implants. Round implants provide greater upper pole fullness, lift, and cleavage enhancement compared to teardrops.

Breast Implant Consultation in Fort Myers, FL

Now that you have a better idea of the differences between these implant types, consider scheduling a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lorraine Golosow. Dr. Golosow’s Florida practice uses only the leading techniques and procedures and strives to give every patient the absolute best, naturalistic look. Call us today or contact us online to start a conversation about which breast implants are right for your unique augmentation surgery.

Answering Your Breast Reconstruction FAQs

Breast reconstruction is a procedure that is typically done to re-form the breasts following a surgery like a lumpectomy or mastectomy. If you’re interested in breast reconstruction, you probably have questions about the different options available for this highly personalized surgery. Here we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the treatment.

What Options Are There for Reconstruction Following a Mastectomy?

There are three main ways to perform a breast reconstruction, using:

  • Your own body tissue
  • A synthetic implant
  • A combination of the two

Reconstruction typically requires multiple surgeries performed over time.

How Do I Know Which Method I Should Use?

Several factors affect the most ideal breast reconstruction method for you. These include:

  • The shape of your body
  • Your treatment needs
  • Your current health situation
  • Your past surgeries
  • Personal preferences

A consultation with a surgeon is the best way to learn more about your specific options and discuss any concerns you may have. Dr. Lorraine Golosow is a board-certified plastic surgeon who provides natural, beautiful breast reconstruction services to mastectomy and lumpectomy patients.

During a consultation with Dr. Golosow, you’ll talk about the benefits and risks of different breast reconstruction procedures. You’ll also tell her what you’re hoping to achieve in terms of cosmetic results.

Is Reconstruction Necessary?

No. There is usually not a medical reason that you need to have breast reconstruction done. Many patients decide that reconstruction is not their ideal path after learning more about their options and treatment plan timeline. Other patients show interest at first but ultimately decide they don’t want more surgical procedures and recovery.

Some breast cancer patients use a prosthetic breast to help their clothing fit better and keep their figure feeling feminine. The most important thing for breast cancer survivors is to have a cancer-free life. But feeling good about your appearance is also important for many patients.

How Long Does Breast Reconstruction Take?

Breast reconstruction happens over multiple surgeries. Different people may need different numbers of surgeries. The timeline can also be complicated if you’re undergoing additional cancer treatment at the same time.

No matter which procedure you use, the process can take anywhere from six months to a year. That’s assuming you don’t need additional cancer treatment.

An average timeline looks like this:

  • A surgery is done to create the new breast.
  • Healing takes around three months. It takes longer if you’re undergoing radiation or chemotherapy treatment.
  • A surgery is done to refine the balance and make small alterations to the breast.
  • Healing takes about two or three months, depending on the extensiveness.
  • This procedure might be repeated if necessary, until the breast is well-shaped and balanced.
  • A surgery is done to add an areola and nipple to the breast.

Some patients choose not to have their nipple reconstructed.

What Are Some Questions to Ask During my Consultation?

During your consultation with Dr. Golosow, you can ask questions including:

  • What types of construction are available for me? Which do you think is best for my case?
  • How many reconstruction procedures have you performed?
  • What complications should I be concerned about?
  • How difficult will it be to care for the wound post-surgery?

Schedule a Breast Reconstruction Consultation

Although treatments for breast cancer like mastectomy or lumpectomy are critical to helping you fight this terrible disease, they can have a dramatic impact on the way you see yourself. To help you feel like the person you were pre-treatment, a breast reconstruction can help. Call Dr. Golosow at 239-330-6448 or contact us online to learn more about this surgery and how it can change your life.

The Benefits of Choosing a Female Plastic Surgeon

If you are interested in getting cosmetic surgery such as a breast augmentation with breast implants, you want the best board-certified plastic surgeon you can find. When making this decision, it’s wise to choose a female doctor to perform your cosmetic surgery. There are a variety of benefits that come as a result of choosing a female plastic surgeon that you should know.

More Insight on the Female Body

A female plastic surgeon obviously understands what you go through as a woman. She innately knows all about the hormones that can affect your breasts and other body parts and understands that they are partially responsible for changes such as sagging, loss of volume and more. Female plastic surgeons are more likely to understand your concerns regarding your body and are better equipped to recommend changes that might work for your particular body type. If your concern is indeed your breasts, she can recommend the best procedure for you, whether it be breast augmentation with implants or fat transfer, a breast reduction, or a breast lift.

It’s More Comfortable Discussing Things with a Woman

Although all plastic surgeons are trained to excel in their profession, female doctors have an obviously intimate knowledge of the female body. As a result, as a patient and a woman, you will probably feel as though it’s more comfortable discussing your concerns and disrobing in front of a female plastic surgeon. This has an added benefit as research has shown that women in the plastic surgery field tend to spend more time with patients in consultations than male doctors.

They Can Produce Even Better Results

A female Board Certified plastic surgeon can produce even better results in your breast augmentation or other breast-related cosmetic surgery. Often, the results of your surgery are more natural and you may be more satisfied when you choose a female doctor to perform them.

More Sensitive and Compassionate

Women, in general, are more sensitive and compassionate, especially toward other women and their bodily insecurities and concerns. As a result, you may want to choose a female plastic surgeon. They understand the social pressure you are under as a woman and are more likely to relate to all of your concerns on a personal level. They can also give you the best possible advice on how to handle your issues and offer you compassionate understanding.

They Understand the Aging Process Better

A female plastic surgeon will always better understand the aging process you are going through compared with a man. If your doctor is over a certain age, she will likely be going through the exact same situation as you, which helps you to have a better bond. When your doctor is better able to relate to you, she will strive even harder to produce the best possible results in your cosmetic surgery.

These are only a few reasons why you might want to consider choosing a female plastic surgeon over a man to perform cosmetic surgery, especially when it’s a procedure as personal as one related to your breasts. If you reside in Florida and want to consider breast augmentation or any other procedure, contact Lorraine Golosow, MD at your earliest convenience.

What You Should Know About Capsular Contracture

Capsular Contracture ft myers

Even when a plastic surgeon is highly skilled at performing surgical procedures, there’s a possibility that complications will occur. This is partially because every person is different, which means there are variations in connective tissue and the way a person heals. Subsequently, sometimes scar tissue is developed that’s thicker than what might be considered the norm.

About Capsular Contracture

It’s normal for scar tissue, referred to as a “capsule,” to form after a cosmetic or medical implant because it’s part of the healing process. This happens because the body is trying to isolate a foreign object that’s detected, which is a natural protection mechanism. For instance, the body naturally attempts to create a barrier between breast implants because they are considered foreign. That barrier is a capsule, which is actually a good thing since it can help to ensure breast implants stay in place. The problem arises when capsules become hard. Another issue is when they start to contract around the breast implant. While it might cause pain, it’s more likely to cause problems with the visual appearance of the implant.

What Are Capsular Contracture Grades?

There is a grading system from 1 through 4 that are used to indicate the severity of capsular contracture. Grade 1 is when the capsular does not interfere with the overall appearance of the breasts. Specifically, with a Grade 1 capsular contracture, the breasts are still soft and have a natural appearance. Grade 2 is when the breasts feel a bit firm when touched, but the appearance and the shape is normal. In Grade 3, both the appearance and the feeling of the breasts are affected. By the time a capsular contracture reaches Grade 4, there’s a good chance that the breast implants have become painful, as well as misshapen and hard to the touch.

Likely Causes of Capsular Contracture

As previously mentioned, every patient is different, and what might cause a capsular contracture for one person, might not cause it to occur in another. In other words, it can be difficult to pinpoint the reason why it happens. Nevertheless, capsular contracture is not caused by breast implants being toxic, nor does it happen because breast implants are inherently dangerous. Saline used in implants is saltwater, which can be absorbed into the skin without any problems. It’s also worth noting that implants made of silicone gel are not the reason for this issue.

Capsular contracture is not something that only happens with breast implant surgery. It actually occurs with different types of surgical procedures. The reason why it gets so much attention when it happens after breast implants are because it’s so much more noticeable when it reaches Grade 3 or Grade 4 since the appearance has changed. As it relates to how capsular contracture impacts a person’s health, it usually isn’t an issue unless the patient has gel implants that have ruptured.

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Lorraine Golosow is a trusted plastic surgeon and member of the American Medical Association and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. She was also the Chief of Plastic Surgery at Lee Memorial Hospital. Dr. Golosow can answer any questions you have about breast implants.

What You Need to Know About Allergan’s Textured Implant Recall

Recently, Allergen recalled their Natrelle BIOCELL textured implants because of a possible link between the implants and a rare Lymphoma called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This is not breast cancer, but a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, or cancer of the immune system. While a breast implant recall can be concerning for anyone who has undergone the breast augmentation, here’s what you should know to get some peace-of-mind.

If you do not have textured implants

This rare type of lymphoma has only been linked to textured implants, specifically Allergen’s macro-textured implants. Textured implants are often used because they stay in place more effectively, reducing the risk of an implant turning or flipping. However, many surgeons do not offer the textured implants anymore, due to rare but possible health risks. If you had smooth implants placed, you likely have nothing to worry about when it comes to your risk of developing lymphoma. If you are unsure of what type of implants you have, contact your plastic surgeon.

If you have textured implants

If you know you have textured implants, your chance of developing this type of lymphoma is still very rare, but you will want to check with your surgeon to determine if the Allergen implants were used or not. If you do have Allergen textured implants, and do not display any signs of lymphoma, it is still not recommended to have your implants removed because the risk is still very low. Symptoms of BIA-ALCL include swelling or pain near the breast implant. If you do experience these symptoms, talk to your doctor about further examination and a possible implant removal with your plastic surgeon.

If you require implant removal

If you display symptoms of BIA-ALCL, you may require implant removal. During implant removal, incisions will be made over your existing scars. The implants will then be removed and can be replaced with your choice of different implants.

If you’re considering breast implants, talk to Dr. Golosow about your options and which implant type is right for you. To schedule your consultation, contact our office today.


How Do I Choose An Implant?

It’s a common misconception to think that you’re avoiding silicone altogether when you choose saline breast implants. The outer casing of the implant is still comprised of silicone. This is just one fact about implants that should be considered as you look at your options for breast implants. Here are some additional factors that can help guide you to the right implant option for you.

How Do Silicone and Saline Breast Implants Differ?

Saline Implants Leave Smaller Scars

This is one benefit that causes many women to opt for saline implants. This is the case because saline implants can be filled after they are placed within the breast tissue pocket. If you’re concerned about scarring, then saline implants can be a good option.

Silicone Implants Won’t Ripple as Much

Either type of implant has a possibility of rippling or wrinkling over time, but this is a more common occurrence with saline implants. When an implant does wrinkle, it can produce ripples in the skin that can be seen on the bottom or sides of the breast. Since silicone gel implants are more form stable than saline, they have a lesser chance of producing visible complications.

Detecting a Rupture

While ruptures are rare, they do occur. Fortunately, with saline implants, a rupture is immediately noticeable and safer than silicone implants. As the rupture occurs, the saline will leak out of the implant quickly, causing the breast to deflate. The saline solution is not harmful and is absorbed into the body without concern. The deflation of the breast helps you to recognize that a rupture has occurred.

Alternatively, it’s almost impossible to notice that a silicone implant has ruptured. This is because the silicone collects in the breast pocket, where it may cause discomfort. According to FDA guidelines, women should get MRI exams every two years, starting with the third year after having received silicone implants. This can help to detect weak areas that might be prone to rupturing in the future.

How Much Do Implants Cost?

Another important factor to consider is the cost of the procedure, which is partially determined by the cost of the implant. Saline implants are considerably less expensive than silicone gel implants. By choosing the saline implants, you can save between $500 up to $1,000 on a breast augmentation procedure. Since the cost of the procedure is a major deciding factor for many people, saline implants present a more cost-effective option.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re ready to move forward with a breast augmentation procedure, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form. An initial consultation can give you a better idea of what kind of results you can expect. Dr. Golosow is dedicated to providing high-quality services to women seeking breast augmentation and can discuss your best options for breast implants.

The Latest Trends With Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed each year. This procedure helps many women to get their ideal breast size, shape, and contour. While there has been a rise in the number of noninvasive cosmetic procedures like fillers and Botox®, there are still many requests for breast alterations. In fact, there were over a quarter-million breast alteration surgeries performed in 2016. One of the biggest trends that cosmetic surgeons like Dr. Golosow are seeing is a preference for more natural-looking results. Instead of having a noticeable change, more women are desiring subtle results. This has changed the way that cosmetic procedures are being performed and has opened up many new options for women looking to get a natural look. Here are some of the other latest trends when it comes to breast enhancement.

The Gummy Bear Implant

One of the newest breast implants to hit the market is the gummy bear implant. This is a silicone breast implant that sports new, advanced technology to keep the cohesive silicone filling in place. The stiffness of the implants is contributed to crosslinking of the silicone gel which helps the material hold its shape better. This helps avoid wrinkling or rippling. One of the major health benefits of this type of implant is that the silicone filling, in the event of a rupture, will not leak into the body. With traditional implants, this seepage can be a major concern that requires additional surgery to fix. This can greatly reduce the need for replacement later on.

Quicker Recovery Times

With the advancement in surgical procedures, many cosmetic surgeons are recommending under-the-muscle placement. This requires an experienced surgeon, such as Dr. Golosow, who will use precision to perform incisions and create a breast pocket with less trauma on the surrounding tissues. The implant is then inserted with the utmost care. This procedure produces more natural-looking results. Due to the type of incision, there is minimal scarring, bleeding, and swelling after surgery. This translates to quicker recovery time for patients. While the under-the-muscle placement isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, it can be used to speed up recovery and produce natural-looking results.

Breast Augmentation With a Lift

Many women are now taking advantage of the natural partner to breast augmentation, the breast lift. For those who have lost a significant amount of weight, those who have had multiple pregnancies, or older patients with less skin elasticity, a breast lift can be a valuable accompaniment to breast augmentation.

This is because a breast lift can address sagging and deflation that occurs over time. If you struggle with these concerns and opt for just implants, it won’t lift or elevate the breasts with just volume. In many cases, the entire breast can benefit from being reshaped with the help of a breast lift. This is an extremely effective combination.

Schedule Your Consultation

Breast augmentation is a complex procedure that can offer a lot of benefits. There are new advances in breast augmentation constantly, so it’s important to know the latest options and techniques that can help achieve your goals. If you would like to know more about breast augmentation and what it can do for you, contact our Fort Myers offices by calling or filling out our online form. Dr. Golosow can create the right breast augmentation procedure for you during a private consultation.

Why More Women are Having Their Breast Implants Removed or ‘Downsized’

breast implant exchange ft. myers

Chances are, if you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, you aren’t pondering reversing that surgery down the road. However, it’s important to take the step to acknowledge that at some point, you may want to exchange or remove your breast implants. Dr. Golosow is experienced in not only breast augmentation but also exchange and explant procedures. There are many reasons women may want to exchange/downsize or remove their implants. Let’s explore some of those reasons below!

A Growing Trend?

In 2015, more than 38,000 breast explant procedures were performed in the United States alone. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, growing numbers of women are requesting removal of their once-coveted larger breasts. The trend appears to be taking the internet by storm as well, with over 400,000 visits to the Breast Implant Removal forum on The site, which functions as a discussion board for consumers who’ve undergone plastic surgery, has seen a substantial rise in traffic over the past several years. There, consumers can find information on the removal process and converse with other individuals who share their sentiments. Many forum users express a desire to feel “normal,” or “less fake,” while others simply feel their implants no longer serve the purpose for which they were originally intended.

Implants Don’t Last Forever

According to Dr. Daniel Mills, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, women in the 35-50 age group generally have the highest number of explant requests. The statistics aren’t shocking either, considering the fact that implants generally have a life expectancy of about 10 years. According to Mills, most women who request explant surgery have had their implants for years, and as they age, have come to the realization that larger implants no longer fit into their lifestyles. Weight gain may also leave women feeling as though their breasts are too large for their bodies, necessitating either reduction or removal. Not to mention, retaining implants past the 10-year mark may come with complications, including rupture, hardening of the area around the implant, scarring and asymmetry, according to manufacturers.

Do We Prefer a More ‘Natural’ Look?

Culturally, the big-breasted look is just as popular as ever, but many women are now expressing a desire for full, curvy chests, just on a smaller scale. Breast augmentation surgeries are still among the most popular cosmetic procedures in plastic surgery, with over 300,000 procedures performed in 2015 alone. What surgeons are finding, however, is that women initially request smaller implants, and those who request explant surgery are often seeking a simple downsize, not a full removal. Even in the retail market, sales of barely-there bralettes and daintier sports bras have begun to soar — signs that the trend is undoubtedly shifting toward smaller breasts. It’s not surprising, either, given the fact that growing numbers of women are participating in high-intensity training, where larger breasts can present a significant challenge.

Should You Remove Your Breast Implants?

Among women considering explant surgery, a common worry appears to have emerged: impending regret. Many women who’ve had their implants for a long time are concerned they’ll regret the procedure after having it done; however, this doesn’t appear to be the case. The majority of women who undergo explant surgery report feeling satisfied with their results, whether they opt for just a downsize or full removal. At the end of the day, that’s what truly matters, women feeling satisfied and proud in their own bodies.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Overview – Everything You Need to Know

Breast augmentation is a medical procedure that involves the use of either “fat transfer” or implants to enhance the shape and size of your breasts. This type of cosmetic surgery (also known as plastic surgery) has been very popular for many years. Women from all areas of the world have changed their lives and their appearances with breast enhancements, and the process was the leading surgery performed in the U.S. this past year.

So many women thoroughly enjoy the results of their breast augmentation, stating that they have more confidence and comfort in their own skin.

Before you choose to have this procedure done, you will want to know everything about the surgery and the breast implant recovery. You will need to know what to expect prior to the process and during the recovery process, as your recovery is important when it comes to seeing the results you want. During your consultation, Dr. Golosow can walk you through your steps as well!

How Long Does It Take to Recover from this Type of Cosmetic Surgery?

Every woman’s healing time may be different, as each female’s body is different. Most women fully heal within a month and a half after their breast augmentation procedure. Some women might feel 100% back to normal after just a few weeks. Dr. Golosow can evaluate your health, and then offer you a more definite time-frame before you have your cosmetic surgery performed.

After Surgery – Breast Implant Recovery Overview

After you wake up from anesthesia, you can expect to feel sleepy and the surgical area will feel sore. You might feel the same as you would the day after using a sleeping aid, but the anesthesia effects will go away in a couple of hours. Dr. Golosow will advise you, prior to your breast surgery and recovery, that you must have someone else drive you home. Someone will need to stay with you through your first evening at home as well.

The First Few Days After Surgery

During the first 5-7 days after your breast enhancement procedure will be the days you might feel the most soreness and tenderness in and around the surgical location. There will be some swelling as well. You will be given a prescription for pain. However, most women only need this medication in the first few days.

The Second to Fourth Week Post-Operative

Dr. Golosow will encourage you to take things slowly and get back to your routine with small exercises and chores. By this time, your tenderness and pain should be hardly noticeable, however, we recommend that patients do not engage in any strenuous activities for the first few weeks. Dr. Golosow does not want you to injure yourself, so you should not lift anything heavy until you completely recover. If you have a job where heavy lifting is required, we recommend taking about three weeks off of work to heal.

Complete Breast Implant Recovery

Dr. Golosow will want to follow up with you when you have recovered from surgery. At the follow-up appointment, she will evaluate your recovery process. Normally, after a couple of months, most women will be able to resume all normal activities at home and work. It is important to listen to all Dr. Golosow’s medical recommendations so there won’t be any problems and the implants will heal correctly.

Tips for an Easier Breast Implant Recovery

  • Buy a couple of recovery bras before surgery. The bras will help lower the pain and help you recover faster and easier. They also help stabilize the breasts and implants while you heal, and they help to improve circulation and provide slight compression to guarantee adequate lymph drainage.
  • Buy bras that are made from breathable cloth, have a seamless (all-in-one) design, adaptable straps, and are comfortable. Such features in a bra are vital because your surgeon will recommend that you wear a bra (day and night) for the first couple of months after surgery
  • Before your surgical procedure, it is advisable to have someone available to help with housekeeping, etc. If you do these activities without help, you will want to do all of them before your breast enhancement is done
  • It is recommended that you make a meal plan (enough meals for at least five days)
  • If you believe you will need pain medication, you should fill the prescription the day before your procedure
  • If you have younger children, you should ask a friend or relative to help you with your children – you will not be capable of lifting your little ones for a couple of months
  • Lastly, it is important to rest as much as possible, eat healthier and drink more water (water with electrolytes work best to re-hydrate the body)
  • Keep in mind that smaller meals and foods that are easier to prepare will make your recovery process easier too

Once your breast implant recovery process is complete, you can enjoy your new appearance and life. Dr. Golosow is there to help you with every aspect of your surgery and the healing process. She is also there to encourage you to enjoy your life-changing surgery. You can go into the whole procedure with self-assurance; you will be capable of managing your improved profile, as well as the recovery.

Remember that your board-certified plastic surgeon is always available to answer any inquiries or concerns, during and after your breast enhancement surgery. We want you to have the best results and the best experience!