The Benefits of Choosing a Female Plastic Surgeon
If you are interested in getting cosmetic surgery such as a breast augmentation with breast implants, you want the best board-certified plastic surgeon you can find. When making this decision, it’s wise to choose a female doctor to perform your cosmetic surgery. There are a variety of benefits that come as a result of choosing a female plastic surgeon that you should know.
More Insight on the Female Body
A female plastic surgeon obviously understands what you go through as a woman. She innately knows all about the hormones that can affect your breasts and other body parts and understands that they are partially responsible for changes such as sagging, loss of volume and more. Female plastic surgeons are more likely to understand your concerns regarding your body and are better equipped to recommend changes that might work for your particular body type. If your concern is indeed your breasts, she can recommend the best procedure for you, whether it be breast augmentation with implants or fat transfer, a breast reduction, or a breast lift.
It’s More Comfortable Discussing Things with a Woman
Although all plastic surgeons are trained to excel in their profession, female doctors have an obviously intimate knowledge of the female body. As a result, as a patient and a woman, you will probably feel as though it’s more comfortable discussing your concerns and disrobing in front of a female plastic surgeon. This has an added benefit as research has shown that women in the plastic surgery field tend to spend more time with patients in consultations than male doctors.
They Can Produce Even Better Results
A female Board Certified plastic surgeon can produce even better results in your breast augmentation or other breast-related cosmetic surgery. Often, the results of your surgery are more natural and you may be more satisfied when you choose a female doctor to perform them.
More Sensitive and Compassionate
Women, in general, are more sensitive and compassionate, especially toward other women and their bodily insecurities and concerns. As a result, you may want to choose a female plastic surgeon. They understand the social pressure you are under as a woman and are more likely to relate to all of your concerns on a personal level. They can also give you the best possible advice on how to handle your issues and offer you compassionate understanding.
They Understand the Aging Process Better
A female plastic surgeon will always better understand the aging process you are going through compared with a man. If your doctor is over a certain age, she will likely be going through the exact same situation as you, which helps you to have a better bond. When your doctor is better able to relate to you, she will strive even harder to produce the best possible results in your cosmetic surgery.
These are only a few reasons why you might want to consider choosing a female plastic surgeon over a man to perform cosmetic surgery, especially when it’s a procedure as personal as one related to your breasts. If you reside in Florida and want to consider breast augmentation or any other procedure, contact Lorraine Golosow, MD at your earliest convenience.