Who is a Candidate for Breast Reconstruction?
A breast cancer diagnosis can be extremely challenging and if you have a mastectomy, breast reconstruction may be something that can help. It’s important to know that breast reconstruction requires candidacy like any other surgical procedure and that a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Golosow is the best person to help you determine your options and partner with your care team. Here’s what to know about whether breast reconstruction is right for you.
1. Do you have any other medical problems?
Major medical problems may disqualify you from breast reconstruction surgery. When considering surgery, your plastic surgeon will assess your overall health to determine if you are a good candidate. Your plastic surgeon will also partner with your oncology team to determine if you’re in good enough health to undergo a reconstructive procedure at the time of your mastectomy or if it’s best to wait.
2. Do you have realistic goals?
It’s important to have realistic goals for reconstruction surgery. This means understanding that breast reconstruction will not make you look exactly like you did before a mastectomy. Reconstruction surgery aims to give you breasts that look natural and feel comfortable. Keep in mind that your new breasts may be unfamiliar and strange at first, especially compared to your initial breasts. It will take time to adjust as well as recover from surgery, so give yourself time to become comfortable.
3. Are you able to take the time to recover?
After reconstruction surgery, you will need to take care of yourself and your new breasts. This includes wearing a surgical bra, avoiding strenuous activity, and attending follow-up appointments. It can take several weeks to recover from breast reconstruction, so make sure that your schedule can be adjusted accordingly before considering surgery.
4. Are you at a healthy weight?
Smoking and being excessively overweight can increase your risks both during and after surgery. Make sure to go over your complete health history during your consultation with Dr. Golosow so you can ensure your procedure goes smoothly and safely.
Schedule a Consultation
Your first step in breast reconstruction is meeting with an experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon. To meet with Dr. Golosow, contact our Fort Myers location by calling or filling out our online contact form.