Your Liposuction Recovery Guide

Liposuction is a sculpting procedure that can remove unwanted fat from stubborn areas on your body. If you are thinking about having this procedure done, you’ll to know what the recovery process is like to help you prepare for it. Well look no further, here is your liposuction recovery guide.

What to Expect After Liposuction

The First Few Days

It is common for patients to experience some discomfort and pain for the first two or three days after liposuction. Pain medication will be provided by your surgeon to help you feel as comfortable as possible. During these first few days, you should limit physical activities, wear a compression garment, and get plenty of rest.

Weeks Two and Three

You may notice that some pain and discomfort persists for the first two or three weeks. However, you should be able to return to work if the activities you perform are not too strenuous. You will need to care for the incision, make sure fluid can drain from it, and continue to wear the compression garment.

Week Five

The pain will subside from week two to five after surgery. The incisions should be healed by this time, but you may still have some swelling and bruising. It is likely that you will be able to start performing moderate exercise after week three. It is at this point when the results from liposuction will start to show.

Week Six

Bruising and swelling will usually be resolved after week six, and you will not need to wear your compression garment any longer. Most individuals can return to strenuous work activities and engage in high impact exercise.

Recovery Tips to Give You the Best Liposuction Results

Healthy Diet

Diet plays a huge role in ensuring a quick recovery after liposuction. Your diet should include essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants to help you regain your strength. In preparation for liposuction and during the recovery process, reduce your intake of salt, increase your intake of protein, and decrease your intake of sugar. You may want to consume smaller amounts of food to avoid bloating and nausea. Important foods to include in your diet after liposuction include grapefruit, strawberries, watermelon, zucchini, and celery.

Movement and Exercise

Be balanced when engaging in exercise after liposuction. Rest is important during the first 24 to 48 hours. After that time period, start engaging in light exercise, like going for a short walk. You want to keep your body moving while avoiding strenuous physical activities during the recovery process.


Cleanliness during the recovery process is also important. You will need to change your bandage regularly to prevent infections. Follow your surgeon’s instructions on what to use to clean the incision during the first few weeks of recovery.


Wear comfortable clothing during the recovery process. Clothing that is tight and uncomfortable can irritate your skin and slow your recovery.

Self Care

Soaking in a hot bath may sound relaxing during the recovery process, but it is not recommended. It can increase your risk of infection. Instead, get a lymphatic massage. This can minimize pain and discomfort and decrease recovery time.

Contact Us to Learn More

Liposuction can get rid of stubborn pockets of fat on your body and give you a more balanced figure. To learn more about this procedure, schedule a consultation with Lorraine Golosow, MD.

“Dr. Golosow is one of the kindest, most professional doctors I have ever seen. She made me feel so comfortable before, during and after my procedures. Thank you”