Warnings Signs You May Need To Replace Your Breast Implants

If you have breast implants, it is important to be aware of the signs that they may need to be replaced. Some women experience implant problems, such as leakage, rupture, or capsular contracture. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor right away.

1. Change in shape

If you notice that your breasts are no longer the same shape as they were before, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. Implants can often become misshapen over time, especially if they have leaked or ruptured. This is due to the natural process of the implant capsule contracting due to changes in the scar tissue that forms around it.

2. Hard lumps or bumps

If you feel hard bumps or lumps in your breasts, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. Often, these lumps are caused by capsular contracture, which is a condition where the scar capsule contracts and squeezes the implant. This can cause the implant to become misshapen or even rupture.

3. Swelling or inflammation

If you experience swelling or inflammation in your breasts, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. Often, this is caused by capsular contracture but is also a common sign of other complications that have arisen since inserting the implants.

4. Pain or tenderness

If you experience pain or tenderness in your breasts, call Dr. Golosow and come in for an examination. This pain can often be caused by capsular contracture, which can cause tightness and pain around the implant. Also, if the implant has leaked, the leaked silicone can cause inflammation and pain.

5. Leaking or rupture

One of the clearest signs that your implants need to be replaced is if they start to leak or rupture. Saline implants will leak out and the solution will be absorbed into your body safely, leaving the affected breast visibly smaller in a matter of days. Silicone implants may not cause any discernable symptoms, which is why it’s important to have your implants checked every three years or so to check on their integrity. Leaking and rupturing are both common problems with breast implants, and they can often lead to other health complications.

6. Capsular contracture

Capsular contracture is a condition where the implant capsule contracts and squeezes the implant. This can cause the implant to become misshapen or even rupture. If you experience any of the symptoms associated with capsular contracture, it is important to see Dr. Golosow right away to remove or exchange the implants.

7. Breast skin shrinking and thinning

If you notice that your breast skin is thinning, this may signify that your implants need to be replaced. This is often a sign that the implant capsule has contracted and squeezes the implant.

8. Dimpling or puckering of the skin

If you notice that the skin on your breasts is dimpling or puckering, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. It’s also something most people with implants don’t want to see or show off, so even if there’s nothing wrong with the implant, they may remove or replace them regardless.

Breast Implant Removal and Exchange in Fort Myers, FL

If you are experiencing any of these warning signs, it is important to call Dr. Golosow right away. Breast implants are not meant to last forever and often need to be replaced after a certain amount of time. If you are unsure whether or not your symptoms require your implants to be removed or replaced, it is best to play it safe and schedule a consultation with Dr. Lorraine Golosow. She will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

Your Guide to Breast Surgery in Fort Myers, FL

In the U.S., an estimated 8 women out of 1,000 have had some form of breast implant surgery. 60% of the women undergoing breast augmentation have done so for cosmetic reasons. So, if you’re considering breast surgery, you’re not alone. There are many different breast surgery options available, despite the popularity of breast augmentation. Here’s what to know about your options and how your board-certified plastic surgeon can help.

The Different Types of Breast Surgeries

If you’re unsatisfied with your breasts, then there are many different options with many different goals. Dr. Golosow can recommend the best option for you during your consultation, including options like:

During your consultation with Dr. Golosow, you’ll discuss your goals for breast surgery. Dr. Golosow will help you understand the different options open and what you can expect from your customized surgical plan.

Are You a Candidate for Breast Surgery?

If you think you’re a good candidate for breast surgery, you should pursue it for the right reasons. Breast surgery of any form is a personal choice and should not be done for the gratification of others. Other factors you should consider are:

  • Your physical health
  • Whether you’re pregnant or breastfeeding (or plan to be in the future)
  • The development of your breasts
  • Why you’re dissatisfied with the look of your breasts

Having Realistic Expectations

Taking breast augmentation as an example, you should have realistic expectations for surgery. This includes factors like the final results, outcomes, and recovery period. It’s also important to hear your plastic surgeon’s recommendations for additional procedures to achieve the results you want. For example, simply adding implants will not lift your breasts without the use of a breast lift. Plastic surgeons often complete a breast lift at the same time as an augmentation, so Dr. Golosow can recommend your best options.

No matter what type of breast surgery you decide upon. Dr. Golosow aims to help you improve your self-confidence and boost your self-image. Transforming your confidence in your body can have many positive impacts, so it’s important to partner with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help you mitigate the risks.

How to Prepare for Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Regardless of the type of surgical procedure you decide is right for you, you should be prepared physically and mentally for surgery. In the days leading up to your surgery, you should be sure to follow Dr. Golosow’s detailed instructions to prepare. Blood-thinning agents, such as Aspirin and anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, should be avoided. Avoiding recreational drugs and nicotine will improve your overall health and help you heal as well. Finally, make sure to follow instructions for fasting before your surgery and arranging for transport home afterward.

Schedule a Consultation

Each type of breast surgery is complicated and should be undertaken by a board-certified surgeon. To discuss your goals with Dr. Golosow, schedule a consultation at our Fort Myers-area locations. Contact us by calling or filling out our online contact form.

I Don’t Like My Breast Implants. What do I do?

When you chose to have breast augmentation surgery, you were filled with anticipation. It was your chance to have the bust you always wanted. You didn’t rush into your decision. You did your homework to find out what would happen during the procedure, what types of implants were available, and what you could expect for an outcome. After a consultation with your plastic surgeon, you discovered you were a good candidate. You’ve gone through the procedure and your recovery. The results have not lived up to your expectations. You need to figure out what to do next.

Why Might a Woman Want a Implant Exchange or Removal?

Over 90% of women who choose breast augmentation are happy with their results. However,
you are not alone if implant surgery didn’t end up being the best choice for you. There are many reasons breast implant surgery may not satisfy you. You may be uncomfortable with the weight of your new implants. You may feel they look too large or not large enough. If you have had your implants for ten years, they may need to be exchanged. Your figure could change over time, leaving you dissatisfied. At this point, you need to decide if you want a breast implant exchange or breast implant removal.

What is a Breast Implant Exchange?

A breast implant exchange is also referred to as breast implant replacement. If your implants are more than ten years old, you want to try a different type of implant, or you are looking for an adjustment in size, you could be a candidate for a breast implant exchange. As you get older, your saline implants may need to be swapped for silicone so your breasts will hold their optional shape. You may also choose to trim down your bust when you get older. What seemed ideal in your younger years may change as you mature.

What is a Breast Implant Removal?

If you want to go back to what it was like before breast implant surgery, you can have your implants removed. Once your surgeon removes your implants, you will need to give your body time to heal. You’ll need to get used to your new shape without implants. Your breasts may need to be reshaped and lifted to look their best. You may be much more satisfied to go back to your natural breasts without help from saline or silicone.

Dr. Lorraine Golosow, MD Can be Your Guide

If breast implants are not all you thought they should be, call to set up a consultation with Dr. Loraine Golosow, MD. She has had extensive training and experience, including chief of plastic surgery. She takes a personalized approach with every patient, striving to provide a feminine perspective. She will work closely with you to listen to your concerns. Making changes to your breasts is up to you and what you want. Dr. Golosow will help you to determine if you should have an implant removal or replacement to make you content with your body.

How Long Do Implants Last? Silicone, Saline, and When to Replace

One important factor in your breast implant surgery process is the probability that they’ll need to be replaced at some point. Although techniques and technologies are better than ever, it’s always smart to consider the possibility that you’ll need revisional surgery. This can seem overwhelming, so Dr. Golosow can give you the best idea of what to expect from the lifespan of your unique implants. Here’s what to know about breast implant replacement and what to expect if you need it.

What’s the average lifetime of an implant?

While implants don’t expire, they’re not immune from complications; your average silicone or saline implant is replaced within one to two decades, after which roughly 20% of patients pursue removal or replacement within 8-10 years. There can be a lot of reasons for this aside from complications, however – sometimes it comes down to simple preference. There are some complications that will require replacement, however, so here’s what to know about them.

Signs Your Implants May Need To Go


With any implant surgery, the body naturally forms a capsule of scar tissue around the foreign body. Sometimes the scar tissue hardens around an implant in a process known as capsular contracture. This can cause pain, soreness, tightness, and irregularities in the breast. In severe cases, it can even displace the implant and lead to unfavorable cosmetic results. There are effective ways to prevent capsular contracture during and after your surgery, so Dr. Golosow will discuss your best options.

Saline Rupture

If holes or tears from within a saline implant’s shell, it will deflate. Although the saline will be safely absorbed by the body, the end result is a drastic difference in the appearance of the breasts. Although ruptures are increasingly rare, your risk can go up if the implant experiences too much wear and creasing over time.

Silicone Rupture

Silicone is denser than saline, meaning it usually remains around the implant or adjacent scar tissue after a rupture. This means a rupture (sometimes called a silent rupture) can be much harder to detect with silicone implants. Some known symptoms of a silent rupture include:

  • Change in sensation
  • Asymmetry
  • Burning
  • Diminished size
  • Hard knots
  • Numbness
  • Pain/tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Tingling

Roughly 2-12% of silicone implants rupture at some point, but this can depend on many different factors.

Ripples and Palpability

Ripples happen when the implant wrinkles, while palpability is the ability to sense rippling by touch. Sometimes these changes are visible through the skin and can require surgical correction if you’re unhappy with how they look.


Implants are not zero-gravity, meaning they can lose their initial position over time. Changes in body weight can also lead to an unfavorable look. If these affect your cosmetic satisfaction or cause discomfort, then implant revision or replacement is an option.

What to Expect From Implant Removal

You don’t need to have had your implants placed by Dr. Golosow to have her remove them. During your consultation, you’ll discuss your implants’ condition and review surgical options like simply removing the implant, removal plus breast lift, removing the scar capsule, or replacing the implant (possibly with an accompanying breast lift). Each procedure is unique and Dr. Golosow can help you determine the best course of action for your cosmetic goals.

Schedule a Consultation

Breast implant removal or revision can help you love your implants again. To meet with Dr. Golosow and learn more about your options, we invite you to contact our Fort Myers office by calling or filling out our online form.


What Happens If You Don’t Replace Breast Implants?

If you are considering undergoing either a breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery, you are probably wondering whether breast implants are lasting. You may wonder whether they can rip, decompress, or maybe even cause health complications. These are all questions that you should definitely ask your surgeon prior to surgery.

One simple answer is that it varies on a case to case basis. The sustainability of your breast implants depends largely on your lifestyle and the patient’s body. In some cases, the implant type as well as how carefully the surgery was done may also have an effect. Most women typically have the wrong idea of how long breast implants last.

Debunking the Myth

One common myth is that breast implants have to be replaced every 10 years. The idea of possibly having to spend a large sum, as well as make time for recovery, again in the somewhat near future leads many women to reconsider their procedure. However, the idea that breast implants must be replaced every 10 years is false.

How long your implants last depends on your body and the type of implant. Each implant has its own life span and it is important to note that these are only estimates. It is not guaranteed to last for, for example, 20 years. However, it is not uncommon for women to choose to replace or remove their implants in order to achieve an updated look.

It is estimated that the average life span of your typical breast implant will last 10-20 years without having any complications. The FDA reports that only a mere 20% of women had complications before reaching the 10-year mark.

Why Would I Need to Replace My Implant?

Leaks and Ruptures

There are risks for all surgeries and procedures. With breast augmentation or reconstruction comes the risk of implant ruptures and leaks. However, if this does occur, surgery is not needed right away for medicinal reasons. These leaks are potentially harmless, however, you may want to have your implant replaced for cosmetic purposes.

The most common reason for the implant to rupture is time, although mammograms and trauma to the breasts have been known causes as well. With saline implants, any leaking fluids are automatically absorbed by the body, however, silicone implants have more durability. Even if the silicone implants rupture, the silicone will stay inside the implant.

If your saline implant has ruptured, you may notice an obvious change in the appearance of your breasts. With silicone implants, this may be trickier and it is recommended to undergo an MRI every few years. This will show if your silicone implants have ruptured.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is another common reason for having your implants replaced. Because your implants are a foreign body, your body may form scar tissues around them. If the scar tissue becomes extremely thick, the implant may become painful.

The case of this condition depends on your body. For instance, one case of capsular contracture could have a slight effect on the implants, whereas the other could result in swollen, painful breasts.

This is treated by removing the implants and scar tissue and possibly replacing them if you still wish to have implants. Your surgeon will place the implants into a new pocket of your breasts.


The last reason for undergoing an implant replacement is age. Aging has natural effects onn the breasts. They may sag and the implant may become noticeable. This is due to hormonal changes within the body.

In addition, pregnancy and breastfeeding can also alter the appearance of the breasts. These reasons may have women undergoing the procedure in order to restore their breasts.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Lorraine Golosow, MD is located in Florida and specializes in female plastic surgery. Whether you are looking to undergo breast augmentation or implant replacement surgery, contact us today for a consultation. We will go over your options and discuss the best plan for you.

How to Prepare for Your Breast Implant Exchange

Breast implants have drastically improved over time due to advancements in the field of cosmetic surgery. However, it is possible that adjustments need to be made after an initial breast augmentation. If you find that you need to adjust your implants, you will need a doctor to take you through the process. Dr. Lorraine Golosow is an experienced professional, and she will provide you with an individualized treatment plan and procedure.

What is a Breast Implant Exchange?

During a breast implant exchange, your plastic surgeon will remove the implant that you had in your first augmentation and correct the pocket where the substance sits. Then, they will clean the ruptured material and replace it with a new implant. In certain circumstances, a doctor will also perform a breast lift for the patient.

Candidates for this procedure are often patients with ruptured saline implants. Patients who experience pain due to hardening of the tissue and capsular contracture also qualify for the procedure. Finally, those who did not end up with satisfying results from their first augmentation can request an implant exchange.

How to Prepare 

Before the operation, you need to adequately prepare so that you can be comfortable during and after the procedure. Taking steps to get ready for your consultation and upcoming operation will help ease any concerns you may have, as well as make the healing process easier.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Just like any operation, breast implant exchange requires a healthy diet in order to get the best possible results. For that reason, it’s advised that you eat meals packed with essential nutrients. Ensure that you consume foods that are full of vitamins and minerals in order to make the healing process as easy as possible after the surgery. Additionally, drinking water and staying hydrated will be overall beneficial to your body.

Convey Your Needs and Expectations

During your consultation, it’s important to inform your plastic surgeon about your needs and expectations. In addition to discussing your primary reasons for decided to go for a breast implant exchange, you may want to ask how to process will be different from your first procedure. Be honest about what you want out of the operation, and don’t be afraid to express your fears and concerns.

Draft Some Questions 

You can create a list of questions to ask the plastic surgeon to clear any doubts or fears you may have. For example, you can inquire about whether or not your surgeon is board certified or has experience in this particular type of surgery. Plus, it will be beneficial to ask about your recovery period and if you will have any scarring. Remember to ask questions about the complications or risks, as well as when you can expect to see results.

Discuss Your Health History

As a patient, you need to inform your doctor about your health history in detail. For example, if you have any allergies or underlying medical conditions, you will want to express these to your surgeon. This is vital to any procedure and will reduce the risk of experiencing any complications. What’s more, if you are on medication or taking vitamins and supplements, let your plastic surgeon know.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about breast implant exchange, schedule a consultation with Dr. Golosow. Call (239) 939-5233 to get started.

Your Breast Surgery Options Explained

A woman’s breasts can impact her self-esteem and self-confidence significantly. There can be changes in the breasts from aging, weight fluctuation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and even diseases such as cancer. Thankfully, there are numerous surgical options available for women that can give them the breast look they want and improve their quality of life. 

Breast Surgery Options

Every woman’s body and goals are different. There are options for any need. Some surgeries can be combined, as well. Here are breast surgery options that you and your surgeon can choose from:

  1. Breast Augmentation: When your breasts are not the size you want or are asymmetrical, breast augmentation can help. This is one of the most popular surgeries performed because it helps women feel more confident and can give better shape, volume, and contours to the breasts.
  2.  Breast Implant Exchange: After a woman has had augmentation, she may eventually decide on a breast implant exchange, also called a revision. This procedure entails removing the current implant and putting in a new one. Some reasons this surgery is done are due to capsular contracture, rupture, wanting to change the size or shape of the implant, or wanting to change the type of implant.
  3. Breast Implant Removal: Sometimes, a woman may decide to remove the implants permanently. It can be because she experienced problems with her implants, or sometimes she just wants to go back to the natural size and shape of the breasts instead of the current augmented one.
  4. Breast Reduction: When a woman’s breasts become excessively large, they can cause great discomfort to her. The weight can cause back and postural issues that impact the quality of life. If a woman is faced with these problems, she may decide to reduce the size of her breasts surgically to help. This surgery can reduce and eliminate pain and other issues caused by large breasts such as sell-consciousness or the inability to do activities she loves.
  5. Breast Lift: Aging, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and breastfeeding can impact the firmness and volume of the breasts. They may begin to sag and droop. A breast lift can help them sit higher on the chest and look more youthful and firmer. Sometimes breast lifts are combined with augmentations or reductions to give the best results.
  6. Breast Reconstruction: Breast cancer can sometimes cause a woman to lose her breasts via mastectomy. This is a necessary surgery, but the loss of one or both breasts can impact a woman emotionally. There are methods to reconstruct breasts after mastectomy. The two main options surgeons have are implants or using the patient’s tissues to rebuild and give them a new breast or breasts. Having this surgery can help a woman celebrate survival and also help her heal emotionally at the same time. She will feel more feminine and like her old self again.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in one or more of these procedures, call Lorraine Golosow, MD. and her staff today to book your consultation.

When Do You Need to Replace Your Breast Implants?

Breast implants don’t come with a lifetime guarantee. At some point, there’s a chance you’ll need to replace your implants due to a variety of causes. The longer you have the same implants, the greater the risk of rupture or other complications.

Some lucky women have implants that last a lifetime, but most need to have them replaced every eight to 10 years. Here are some reasons why implants should be replaced sooner than later.


Gravity eventually takes its toll on the appearance of the breasts regardless of whether you’ve undergone breast augmentation in the past. Your current implants won’t always hinder age-related sagging. Significant weight gain or loss can also cause breasts to stretch and sag. One breast may even hang lower than the other. Your nipples may also start pointing in different directions. Implant replacement can help resolve these issues.

Saline Rupture

A saline implant is a silicone shell filled with sterile salt water. If this type of implant ruptures, it will obviously and rapidly deflate like a balloon. A rupture will also cause pronounced asymmetry. In this case, the implants need to be removed and replaced so that the breasts’ shapes can be restored.

Silicone Rupture

A silicone implant is one that is filled with synthetic polymers. If the implant ruptures, its thick gel leaks at a slower rate than saline. This is sometimes called a “silent rupture,” because most people don’t notice it or have any symptoms, and it can only be detected by MRI. If there are symptoms, however, they include:

• Decreased breast size

• Pain or tenderness

• Tingling

• Numbness

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture occurs when the capsule, or scar tissue which forms around the implant, hardens and painfully squeezes it. Capsular contracture can trigger burning, tingling, numbing, and swelling. As the condition intensifies, the breast may look distorted or even change shapes. This is true for both saline and silicone implants, and it can affect one or both breasts.

Capsular contracture can occur shortly after surgery, or it can happen years afterward.

According to the FDA, capsular contracture has four stages. In the first and second stages, the breast looks and feels unchanged. In stages three and four, the breast feels hard, looks odd, and is painful.

If you’re experiencing capsular contracture, it’s time to have your implants removed and replaced.

Your Implant is Moving

Has your implant traveled from your chest to your armpit? This is called migrating. It may affect only one breast or both, causing an asymmetrical appearance. Luckily, this problem can be rectified with an implant replacement.

Your Breast’s Surface is Changing

Sometimes, saline implants can wrinkle, ripple or even fold. Wrinkles may also appear on the sides of your breasts when you bend over. If this is happening, you may want to consider replacing your implants.

If the time has come to replace your breast implants, you can entrust the procedure to Dr. Lorraine Golosow of Associates in Cosmetic Surgery in Southwest Florida, regardless of where you had your initial breast augmentation. Dr. Golosow is a renowned plastic surgeon who is experienced, highly educated and exceptionally attuned to her patients needs. Contact us to learn more about how Dr. Golosow can help you get the results you want from implant replacement.