Everything You Need To Know About Breast Implant Rupture

Breast augmentation has grown in popularity over recent years as a go-to cosmetic procedure. As with any surgery, associated risks and potential complications exist. One of the primary concerns is breast implant rupture. This complication underscores the importance of understanding the potential risks, symptoms, and necessary steps for detection and remediation.

Our aim is to enlighten you on everything you need to know about breast implant rupture and ensure you have the knowledge to address this issue should it arise.

Causes of Breast Implant Rupture

Breast implant rupture can be described as an instance where the outer shell of an implant breaks or tears, leading to the leakage of the implant contents into the surrounding tissue. Various factors can contribute to the rupture. The age of the implant often plays a key role, as these devices are not designed to last indefinitely and can rupture over time due to normal wear and tear.

Furthermore, physical trauma or inadvertent damage during surgical interventions can also instigate a rupture. Although rare, the risk of rupture can be compounded by defects present in the implant at the time of surgery.

A rupture may not always present immediate or visible symptoms, particularly in the case of silicone gel-filled implants. These instances are often referred to as “silent ruptures”, detectable primarily through MRI scans.

Nonetheless, some patients might experience changes in breast shape or size, discomfort, pain, swelling, or hardening. Conversely, a rupture in saline implants can be noticed more promptly due to the absorption of the saline solution by the body, resulting in a visible decrease in the size of the breast.

Regardless of the type of implant, regular follow-up appointments are vital to maintain optimal health and ensure the longevity of the implants.

Breast Implant Rupture: Remedial Measures and Options

Should a rupture be detected, the standard recommendation involves the removal of the implant and any leaked material. This scenario also presents the opportunity for you to make a choice regarding the replacement or removal of the implant. What you choose depends on your specific situation. A detailed consultation with your plastic surgeon ensures you make the right decision for your health and aesthetic goals.

Schedule A Consultation

At Lorraine Golosow, MD, tour health and satisfaction remain paramount throughout your breast augmentation journey. Should you have concerns about a potential breast implant rupture, or if you’re considering exploring your options for breast augmentation, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional guidance. The first step is scheduling a consultation with Dr. Golosow. She can answer any questions you have and give you the information you need to make the right decisions for you.

To schedule a consultation today, call our Fort Myers office or use our online scheduling tool.

6 Reasons Women Get Breast Implant Removal

What is implant removal? The goal of implant removal is to remove the entire breast implant as well as its capsule. The capsule is the scar tissue that forms around every breast implant. Removal is referred to as a capsulectomy.  

Why should I have my implants removed or exchanged? Breast implants are not lifelong devices. It is important to have them removed or exchanged every 10-15 years. Popular reasons to remove an existing  breast implant are as follows: 

The Implant is Leaking

The shells around breast implants break down over time. If the implants are silicone then the gel can leak into the breast tissues and cause the capsule around the implant to harden. The silicone gel can also leak into the breast causing lumps or silicone granulomas. If the implants are saline, then the implant will deflate, lose volume, and the implant pocket will shrink. Plastic surgeons will often recommend that patients follow up with them periodically so that they can monitor the health and integrity of the implants.  

Capsular Contracture

Once an implant is placed in the breast during breast augmentation, the body will create a protective capsule around it. This capsule of scar tissue is usually very thin and soft. However, in some cases, the capsule can become thick, hard, and even painful. In the worst cases, the capsule can distort the breast or cause the implant to shift upward. Sometimes this is caused by a leaking implant, but capsular contracture can occur independently of leakage. Treatment usually consists of the removal of the capsule (capsulectomy) and replacement of the implant.  

Breast Implant Infection

While rare, infection near an implant can happen. If antibiotics do not completely eliminate the infection then implant removal may be necessary. 

Changes to the Breasts Over Time

This is a common reason for implant removal or exchange. Breasts can become larger with age due to weight gain or smaller due to weight loss. Adjusting the size of the implant may then be necessary. Often after pregnancy, women may want a bigger implant to replace lost volume. Also, with aging and pregnancy, breasts can become more ptotic or pendulous. This may require a breast lift and often a reduction in the implant size.  

Breast Implant Illness

Some women can develop symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, rashes, etc. Although this is a diagnosis that is made once all others are excluded, many women find relief when removing their implants. 

No Longer Desire to Have Implants

Although many women enjoy having implants, some decide that they are no longer working for them. They may decide to remove them because they feel heavy, are mispositioned, are painful, or because they are getting older. Some women want to remove their implants while they are young and healthy enough to recover from the surgery. A breast lift or mastopexy is an option to restore a youthful appearance to the breast once an implant is removed. 

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Lorraine Golosow is one of the leading experts in breast implant surgeries in the Fort Myers area. To schedule a consultation and learn more about breast implant removal, contact our offices by calling or filling out our online form.

Breast Implant Illness

Breast implant illness (BII) and other breast augmentation complications are understandable concerns for our patients. Dr. Golosow is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing successful breast augmentations, but there is always a risk of complications in any surgery. For breast implant surgery, one of these risks is BII.

What is Breast Implant Illness?

Breast Implant Illness refers to a broad range of symptoms that may be attributed to the presence of breast implants. Diagnosing this condition is difficult because other conditions can have similar symptoms. Common symptoms include fatigue, joint and muscle pain, brain fog, and rashes. Although BII isn’t yet recognized as an official medical diagnosis, this may change as more data is collected by researchers and physicians. Breast Implant Illness is gaining more attention from the American Society of Plastic Surgery. 

How Common is Breast Implant Illness?

It is unknown how common this condition is. More than 400,000 people in the United States have breast implant surgery each year and most do not develop symptoms. Researchers do not know which patients are susceptible to BII or the exact cause. It is theorized that BII is caused by an autoimmune or inflammatory response to the breast implant. The presence of bacteria which can cause a biofilm around the implant has also been suggested as a cause.  

How is Breast Implant Illness Diagnosed?

Presently, there isn’t a test to confirm breast implant illness which is frustrating. Most of the time, it is a diagnosis of exclusion. Other conditions medical conditions will be tested for and ruled out. Although women who develop these symptoms can’t be certain that implants are the causing factor, some studies indicate that women see their symptoms go away with implant removal. 

Should I Have My Implants Removed?

Removal of one’s breast implants is a personal decision. A guarantee of improvement of symptoms with removal can’t be made. That said, many women are anxious to try removal, and many do see an improvement in their symptoms. Surgery generally entails the removal of the implant and the surrounding capsule (referred to as a capsulectomy). 

Some women will experience immediate relief, while others have improvement within a month or two. However, some women do not experience the symptom relief they hoped to achieve. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in implant surgery is important when making decisions about removal surgery. 

Schedule a Consultation

If you have BII and/or have considered removing your breast implants, schedule a consultation today for breast implant removal in Fort Myers, FL. Dr. Golosow will be happy to answer any questions you might have and discuss your options for implant removal in greater detail.

Deciding Between Breast Implant Exchange vs Removal

breast implant removal exchange

Breast implant removal or breast implant exchange can be a difficult decision to make. There are many reasons women may want to undergo one of these procedures, but it is essential to understand the benefits and risks of each type before making a decision. This article discusses some considerations for both procedures so the patient has more knowledge about their options and can make an informed decision about which method is best for them.

What is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implant removal, or explantation, involves removing an existing breast implant while leaving the scar tissue created by the initial surgery intact. In most cases, the scar tissue will shrink with time and become less noticeable. If a patient already has stretched out or ruptured implants, they may choose to undergo breast reconstruction surgery in conjunction with removal. Women decide to remove their implants because they are experiencing problems with their breasts, such as pain or discomfort.

What is Breast Implant Exchange?

Breast implant exchange involves replacing an existing breast implant with a new implant. In some ways, this is similar to breast lift surgery because it corrects the positioning of the existing implants. The procedure is helpful for women who feel that their current implants are not providing them with fullness in the upper part of their breast or are positioned too high on their chest wall.

Issues to Consider Before Choosing Breast Implant Removal

One of the main reasons a woman will choose to have her breast implants removed is because they are causing her pain, discomfort, or other issues. If this is the case, it is essential to find out what the cause of this issue is so that it can be effectively treated. Most implant removal procedures are complicated and require significant recovery time. As a result, the patient must be 100% committed to recovery. When deciding whether to undergo this procedure, it is essential to consider:

Existing Implants

If you are considering having your breast implants removed because they are causing you pain or discomfort, you must ask about any existing implants. Some women have excessively large implants or have ruptured the silicone and silicone gel into their skin. These implants may cause more problems in your body and lead to more severe issues such as inflammation, infection, and even capsular contracture. It is important to remove the damaged implants but if you do not want them permanently removed, new implants can replace them.

Scar Tissue

Many women who undergo breast implants will experience some level of scar tissue formation after their initial surgery. If this scar tissue becomes too severe, it can limit the degree to which your breasts will be able to expand as a result of the new implants. In this case, a breast implant removal will be necessary so that this scar tissue can be removed and your breasts can expand to their full potential.

Size of the Implants

The size of your implants will also affect the recovery you experience after your surgery. If you have small implants and choose to remove them, you will find it easier to recover than women with larger implants. It is also easier to transition back into your regular life afterward.

Issues to Consider Before Choosing Breast Implant Exchange

The main reason a woman will choose to have her breast implants replaced is that they are causing problems or she would like larger or smaller-sized breasts. However, it is essential to consider the possible issues that may arise after surgery before choosing this option. The following are some considerations to make:

Previous Surgeries

If you have had other surgeries in the chest area after your breast implants were placed, you may find scar tissue buildup, which may restrict the degree to which your breasts can be expanded after an exchange. As a result, you may need to undergo additional surgeries for the two procedures to work together.

Placement of New Implants

If you want your new implants put in a different location from your old ones, you will need to find a surgeon with experience with this type of procedure. This way, they can ensure that both areas are appropriately filled out. If they are not correctly filled out, it can result in the buttocks and the outer upper chest wall looking disproportional and unnatural.

Skin Changes

If your skin is changing due to high levels of silicone gel inside of the implant, it may not be possible for the two procedures to work together correctly. Additionally, your skin may have changed over time and lost elasticity, which causes your breasts to sag even with the implants or previous breast augmentation. This will require additional surgeries before your new implants can be placed or removed.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in breast implant removal or breast implant exchange, it is essential to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lorraine Golosow and other board-certified plastic surgeons. Call our office today or fill out an online contact form.

Warnings Signs You May Need To Replace Your Breast Implants

If you have breast implants, it is important to be aware of the signs that they may need to be replaced. Some women experience implant problems, such as leakage, rupture, or capsular contracture. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor right away.

1. Change in shape

If you notice that your breasts are no longer the same shape as they were before, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. Implants can often become misshapen over time, especially if they have leaked or ruptured. This is due to the natural process of the implant capsule contracting due to changes in the scar tissue that forms around it.

2. Hard lumps or bumps

If you feel hard bumps or lumps in your breasts, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. Often, these lumps are caused by capsular contracture, which is a condition where the scar capsule contracts and squeezes the implant. This can cause the implant to become misshapen or even rupture.

3. Swelling or inflammation

If you experience swelling or inflammation in your breasts, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. Often, this is caused by capsular contracture but is also a common sign of other complications that have arisen since inserting the implants.

4. Pain or tenderness

If you experience pain or tenderness in your breasts, call Dr. Golosow and come in for an examination. This pain can often be caused by capsular contracture, which can cause tightness and pain around the implant. Also, if the implant has leaked, the leaked silicone can cause inflammation and pain.

5. Leaking or rupture

One of the clearest signs that your implants need to be replaced is if they start to leak or rupture. Saline implants will leak out and the solution will be absorbed into your body safely, leaving the affected breast visibly smaller in a matter of days. Silicone implants may not cause any discernable symptoms, which is why it’s important to have your implants checked every three years or so to check on their integrity. Leaking and rupturing are both common problems with breast implants, and they can often lead to other health complications.

6. Capsular contracture

Capsular contracture is a condition where the implant capsule contracts and squeezes the implant. This can cause the implant to become misshapen or even rupture. If you experience any of the symptoms associated with capsular contracture, it is important to see Dr. Golosow right away to remove or exchange the implants.

7. Breast skin shrinking and thinning

If you notice that your breast skin is thinning, this may signify that your implants need to be replaced. This is often a sign that the implant capsule has contracted and squeezes the implant.

8. Dimpling or puckering of the skin

If you notice that the skin on your breasts is dimpling or puckering, this may be a sign that your implants need to be replaced. It’s also something most people with implants don’t want to see or show off, so even if there’s nothing wrong with the implant, they may remove or replace them regardless.

Breast Implant Removal and Exchange in Fort Myers, FL

If you are experiencing any of these warning signs, it is important to call Dr. Golosow right away. Breast implants are not meant to last forever and often need to be replaced after a certain amount of time. If you are unsure whether or not your symptoms require your implants to be removed or replaced, it is best to play it safe and schedule a consultation with Dr. Lorraine Golosow. She will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

Your Guide to Breast Surgery in Fort Myers, FL

In the U.S., an estimated 8 women out of 1,000 have had some form of breast implant surgery. 60% of the women undergoing breast augmentation have done so for cosmetic reasons. So, if you’re considering breast surgery, you’re not alone. There are many different breast surgery options available, despite the popularity of breast augmentation. Here’s what to know about your options and how your board-certified plastic surgeon can help.

The Different Types of Breast Surgeries

If you’re unsatisfied with your breasts, then there are many different options with many different goals. Dr. Golosow can recommend the best option for you during your consultation, including options like:

During your consultation with Dr. Golosow, you’ll discuss your goals for breast surgery. Dr. Golosow will help you understand the different options open and what you can expect from your customized surgical plan.

Are You a Candidate for Breast Surgery?

If you think you’re a good candidate for breast surgery, you should pursue it for the right reasons. Breast surgery of any form is a personal choice and should not be done for the gratification of others. Other factors you should consider are:

  • Your physical health
  • Whether you’re pregnant or breastfeeding (or plan to be in the future)
  • The development of your breasts
  • Why you’re dissatisfied with the look of your breasts

Having Realistic Expectations

Taking breast augmentation as an example, you should have realistic expectations for surgery. This includes factors like the final results, outcomes, and recovery period. It’s also important to hear your plastic surgeon’s recommendations for additional procedures to achieve the results you want. For example, simply adding implants will not lift your breasts without the use of a breast lift. Plastic surgeons often complete a breast lift at the same time as an augmentation, so Dr. Golosow can recommend your best options.

No matter what type of breast surgery you decide upon. Dr. Golosow aims to help you improve your self-confidence and boost your self-image. Transforming your confidence in your body can have many positive impacts, so it’s important to partner with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help you mitigate the risks.

How to Prepare for Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Regardless of the type of surgical procedure you decide is right for you, you should be prepared physically and mentally for surgery. In the days leading up to your surgery, you should be sure to follow Dr. Golosow’s detailed instructions to prepare. Blood-thinning agents, such as Aspirin and anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, should be avoided. Avoiding recreational drugs and nicotine will improve your overall health and help you heal as well. Finally, make sure to follow instructions for fasting before your surgery and arranging for transport home afterward.

Schedule a Consultation

Each type of breast surgery is complicated and should be undertaken by a board-certified surgeon. To discuss your goals with Dr. Golosow, schedule a consultation at our Fort Myers-area locations. Contact us by calling or filling out our online contact form.

The Pros and Cons of Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Most women opt for breast implants to change the size, shape, and texture of their breasts. These implants don’t last forever, and you will need to replace or remove them at some point. In 2017, the number of breast implant removals was over 45,000 so you’re not alone in your quest for creating your ideal breast. Read on to learn more about breast implant removal surgery to decide if it’s right for you.

What Is Breast Implant Removal?

The breast implant removal procedure involves taking out an existing implant. Your doctor will examine your breast, assess your condition, prepare you for the surgery, then make an incision to remove the implants from your previous reconstruction or augmentation surgery.

When to Consider Implants Removal

There are various reasons why people consider breast implant removal. One reason is routine, as implants last for about ten to fifteen years. When the time comes, you will need to have them removed or replaced.

Other reasons may be previous complications with implants, changing aesthetic desires, or medical considerations. If you experience pain due to an infection or any other condition on your breast, you should have it removed. After years of successful use, some women remove the breast implants to replace them with different ones or restore their natural size.

Making Breast Implant Removal Surgery Decision

Like any other surgery, the procedure has lots of benefits and some risks.

Pros of Breast Implant Removal:

Pain Relief

Following breast augmentation, some people begin to feel pain after some time. If you have bigger implants, you might experience back, neck, and shoulder pain. Having the implants removed will take away the pain.

It Boosts Your Confidence

If you don’t feel happy with the outcome of the previous surgery or you have changed your preferences, you can always have the implants removed. Reaching your aesthetic goals can improve confidence.

Shorter Recovery Time

After having the breast implant removed, you should recover within two weeks if doctor’s instructions are followed

Makes Mammogram Easier

Breast implants can make it harder to conduct mammograms. Having the implant removed, can aid in a more efficient mammogram examination.

Cons of Breast Implant Removal:

Breast Sagging

Breast implants give your chest a full look, and once you remove them, your breast will not have the volume they had with the breast implants. If you have had large implants for a long time, removing them results in excess loose skin. If you are concerned about this, Dr. Golosow can discuss your options.

Potential Risks

Having surgery is a big decision and some may be apprehensive about potential risks. Be sure to speak with Dr. Golosow about any worries you may have.

More Scarring

Since the procedure requires incisions, there could be additional scaring from having your implants removed.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are considering breast implant removal procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lorraine Golosow to discuss your options. Dr. Golosow’s plastic surgery practice incorporates cutting-edge technology to provide natural-looking results. Schedule a consultation by calling or filling out our online form.

How Much Does it Cost to Have Breast Implants Removed?

Whether for cosmetic or reconstruction purposes, around 400,000 women per year receive breast implants. However, only around 45,000 women have their breast implants removed. If you opt for breast implants, it’s important to consider that you might have them removed in the future. Researching your options is an important part of making an informed decision about plastic surgery, so here’s what to know about this process and what costs you can expect.

Who’s a Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?

Usually, breast implant removal is indicated if you experience capsular contracture (or, hardening of the scar tissue around the implant), proof of rupture and leakage (done through medical imaging), general pain caused by the implant, or a desire to not have implants anymore. Additionally, good candidates for breast implant removal:

  • Don’t smoke
  • Are physically fit and have a healthy weight
  • Have experienced a rupture or leak
  • Underwent imaging that suggests a rupture/leak
  • Feel discomfort or pain from breast implants
  • Are bothered by the appearance of the implants
  • Feel their breasts are too heavy

How Much Will It Cost?

Remember that each case is unique and requires a consultation for a correct assessment of exact costs. Some factors that can affect your total cost include surgeon’s fees, facility costs, anesthesia, equipment used, medical tests and X-rays, post-surgery garments, and prescriptions for medication.

Questions You Should Ask

Selecting the right board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your removal procedure is one of the most important steps in your revisional surgery process. During your consultation, make sure to ask these questions:

  • Are you board certified? By which entity?
  • How are complications handled?
  • How many years of experience with breast implant surgery do you have?
  • Will you be performing this procedure in a hospital?
  • How long of a recovery period should I expect?
  • What techniques will you use to create a good result?

Schedule a Consultation

Breast implant removal can be an effective solution for your goals when you experience complications, changes, or different aesthetic goals. The best way to learn more about your best options, we invite you to meet with Dr. Lorraine Golosow at our Fort Myers-area locations. To get started, contact us by calling or filling out our online form.

I Don’t Like My Breast Implants. What do I do?

When you chose to have breast augmentation surgery, you were filled with anticipation. It was your chance to have the bust you always wanted. You didn’t rush into your decision. You did your homework to find out what would happen during the procedure, what types of implants were available, and what you could expect for an outcome. After a consultation with your plastic surgeon, you discovered you were a good candidate. You’ve gone through the procedure and your recovery. The results have not lived up to your expectations. You need to figure out what to do next.

Why Might a Woman Want a Implant Exchange or Removal?

Over 90% of women who choose breast augmentation are happy with their results. However,
you are not alone if implant surgery didn’t end up being the best choice for you. There are many reasons breast implant surgery may not satisfy you. You may be uncomfortable with the weight of your new implants. You may feel they look too large or not large enough. If you have had your implants for ten years, they may need to be exchanged. Your figure could change over time, leaving you dissatisfied. At this point, you need to decide if you want a breast implant exchange or breast implant removal.

What is a Breast Implant Exchange?

A breast implant exchange is also referred to as breast implant replacement. If your implants are more than ten years old, you want to try a different type of implant, or you are looking for an adjustment in size, you could be a candidate for a breast implant exchange. As you get older, your saline implants may need to be swapped for silicone so your breasts will hold their optional shape. You may also choose to trim down your bust when you get older. What seemed ideal in your younger years may change as you mature.

What is a Breast Implant Removal?

If you want to go back to what it was like before breast implant surgery, you can have your implants removed. Once your surgeon removes your implants, you will need to give your body time to heal. You’ll need to get used to your new shape without implants. Your breasts may need to be reshaped and lifted to look their best. You may be much more satisfied to go back to your natural breasts without help from saline or silicone.

Dr. Lorraine Golosow, MD Can be Your Guide

If breast implants are not all you thought they should be, call to set up a consultation with Dr. Loraine Golosow, MD. She has had extensive training and experience, including chief of plastic surgery. She takes a personalized approach with every patient, striving to provide a feminine perspective. She will work closely with you to listen to your concerns. Making changes to your breasts is up to you and what you want. Dr. Golosow will help you to determine if you should have an implant removal or replacement to make you content with your body.

What To Expect From Your Breast Implant Removal Recovery

There are a variety of reasons that women opt for breast implant removal. Some women simply want a change while others experience complications from previous surgery. No matter your specific reasons, it’s important to make sure your recovery goes smoothly and successfully. As you plan your procedure with the help of Dr. Golosow, it can be helpful to know what to expect from your recovery so you can take the right steps for keeping yourself comfortable. Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare.

Following Dr. Golosow’s Instructions

After your procedure, you’ll need to follow some detailed instructions to make sure you enjoy a smooth and successful recovery. You’ll receive some care steps from our team, which will include considerations about:

  • Medications to manage pain and swelling
  • Taking care of dressings
  • Managing drains and steps for emptying them
  • Showering and bathing instructions

It’s important to follow these as best as you can– and make sure to ask questions about any concerns you have! You’ll be guided through your recovery process through follow-up appointments at our office to make sure everything is going smoothly. Additionally, you’ll have contact information so you can get answers at home while you rest.

Your Recovery Time Frame

In the majority of cases, your dressings and drains will be in place for about a week. These are usually removed by Dr. Golosow during your follow-up appointment. Returning to work is usually possible within a week if you work a non-physical job, but you may need to avoid certain activities while you heal. You can expect about one month for a full recovery, but your breasts may continue to change for longer as your body readjusts.

Handling Pain

One of the most important parts of your recovery will be managing any pain and discomfort you’ll have as you recover. It’s important to take your prescribed medications according to Dr. Golosow’s instructions since they can also help manage swelling. When you’re comfortable, you’ll be able to relax better and get the rest you need, so make sure to take care of yourself and manage your pain as needed.

Change your Lifestyle

Most of us try to live a healthy lifestyle, but some lifestyle changes can assist your recovery from breast implant removal surgery. Eating healthy and getting the sleep you need will be integral to letting your body heal and get the nutrients it needs. If you normally live an active lifestyle, it’ll be very important to ease off on your regular regimen so that you don’t risk irritating your incisions and making it more difficult for your body to recover. Dr. Golosow can give you the ideal timeframe for how long you can expect to incorporate these changes.

Schedule a Consultation

The best way to learn more about breast implant removal surgery is by meeting with our board-certified plastic surgeon. To get started, we invite you to contact our Fort Myers area offices by calling or filling out our online form.