7 Tips To Help You Recover From Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the size, shape, and overall appearance of your breasts. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is a recovery period that must be taken seriously to ensure a successful outcome. So what should you do to ensure you have the best recovery experience after surgery? Let’s take a look at a few tips.

1. Prepare Ahead Of Time

Before your surgery, it’s important to prepare yourself. You should plan to take at least a week off work or any other obligations you may have to give yourself enough time to rest and recover. You should also arrange for someone to drive you home from the surgery and stay with you for the first few days.

You’ll also want to prepare your home ahead of time, too. This means stocking up on healthy food, pain relievers, and other essentials. And make sure to wear comfortable clothes to the procedure as well. You won’t want to have any restrictive clothing on right after breast augmentation surgery.

2. Take Care Of Yourself After Surgery

Taking good care of yourself after breast augmentation surgery is essential to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. You should avoid lifting anything heavy or performing any strenuous activity for at least six weeks after the procedure. Light activity like walking is encouraged to help prevent blood clots and promote healing. Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

3. Follow Post-Surgical Instructions Carefully

Dr. Golosow will provide post-surgical instructions that you should follow carefully to ensure a successful recovery. These instructions may include taking pain medication as prescribed, wearing a compression garment, avoiding certain activities, and attending follow-up appointments. It’s important to follow these instructions to minimize the possibility of complications and achieve the best possible outcome.

4. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol can interfere with healing and increase the risk of complications. You should quit smoking at least four weeks before breast augmentation surgery and avoid smoking and drinking for at least three to four weeks after your surgery. This will help to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications.

5. Massage Your Breasts

Massaging your breasts can help to prevent capsular contracture, a condition that can occur when scar tissue forms around the breast implant. Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to massage your breasts safely and effectively.

6. Eat A Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is a great idea all the time but especially after breast augmentation surgery. It can help promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. You should focus on eating nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid sugary or processed items. It’s also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary drinks.

7. Attend All Follow-Up Appointments

Attending all your follow-up appointments with your surgeon is important to ensure your recovery is progressing as expected. Your surgeon will monitor your healing and address any concerns you may have. If any issues arise, your surgeon will be able to address them quickly to prevent complications and ensure you have the best results possible.

Schedule a Consultation

Recovering from breast augmentation surgery takes time and patience. Working closely with Dr. Golosow can ensure you have a successful recovery and that you achieve your desired results. She is more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Looking to schedule a consultation for breast augmentation surgery today? Our team at Lorraine Golosow, MD can help. Call us at our Fort Myers or Cape Coral offices or use our online contact form. We cannot wait to help you through your surgery and your recovery process.

When To consider Having A Breast Augmentation Versus A Breast Lift (Mastopexy)?

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a popular procedure to increase the size and improve the appearance of your breasts. Breast implants are either placed under the breasts (sub-mammary) or under the pectoralis muscle (subpectoral). Women can choose the size and shape of their implants and can decide whether saline or silicone implants are best for them. Implants come in different profiles depending on the width of a woman’s chest and their desired shape of cleavage. 

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift improves the appearance of breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning the nipple. This allows sagging and pendulous breasts to be lifted, feel firmer and look more youthful.

Which procedure is best for me?

Breast Augmentation Alone

If your breasts are not drooping and the nipple is at or above the inframammary fold (the crease below the breast) then an augmentation is the procedure you need. This will enlarge the breast or restore fullness to those who have lost volume due to pregnancy or weight loss. 

Breast lift (Mastopexy) Alone

If your breast are drooping and the nipple is below the inframammary fold then a breast lift is the procedure to consider. An implant alone will not lift a breast. It simply restores volume. The implant will sit at the inframammary fold and higher so without a lift a droopy breast will still be pendulous. If a woman doesn’t want to be larger, then a breast lift alone is what she needs. 

Combined Augmentation and Breast lift

If the desire is to be lifted and larger, then a combination breast lift (mastopexy) and an augmentation is the procedure of choice. This is often done at the same surgery but sometimes is staged, doing one procedure first and the other at another time.  

Schedule A Consultation

Have you decided which one is right for you? Or perhaps both is what you’re looking for? Whatever your decision, scheduling a consultation with Lorraine Golosow, MD is a great next step. Dr. Golosow can walk you through each procedure and then come up with a treatment

What Type of Bra Should I Wear After Breast Augmentation?

So, you have decided to undergo a breast augmentation procedure to improve the size and shape of your natural breasts, and are excited for surgery day. However, did you know that the bra that you wear after surgery can make a difference in how your final results turn out? Read on to learn more about why wearing the correct bra after surgery is important for optimal outcomes.

Your Bra Immediately After Surgery

After your breast augmentation procedure, you will wear a medical compression bra, also called a surgical bra. This bra does not contain underwires and will keep any bandages in place, protect your new breasts, restrict implant movement, and reduce swelling. This type of bra will provide more support than a regular sports bra would, helping to aid in your recovery process. Most patients will wear this surgical bra both day and night for the first few weeks following surgery. Dr. Golosow will advise you on when you can transition to a supportive sports bra.

What Makes a Good Surgical Bra?

After your procedure, it is important that you use a quality post-surgery bra for the best results. Some features that you should look for in a surgical bra include:

  • No Underwire: It is important that your surgical bra does not have an underwire, as it may irritate incision sites and produce more friction. Individuals who do wear underwire bras right away may increase the risk of wound healing complications or experience more discomfort during healing.
  • Front Closure: Bras with a front closure make them easy to slip on and off, which is ideal for those who just underwent surgery.
  • Adjustable Straps: Straps that can be easily adjusted can help you adjust the fit of your bra so that you are comfortable.
  • Breathable Material: Breathable materials such as a cotton-blend fabric are ideal for surgical bras. Since patients will be wearing these garments for the first few weeks after surgery, a breathable fabric will help to avoid rashes and irritation.
  • Comfortable Fit: Surgical bras should be both comfortable and supportive to hold your new breasts in place.

When Can I Wear an Underwire Bra?

Most patients can return to wearing an underwire bra about six weeks after their breast augmentation procedure. However, never switch to wearing regular bras without first checking with your doctor!

On the flip side, it is important to avoid going braless regularly, as it may hinder the longevity of your results and lead to premature skin stretching and breast sagging. The support of a bra is needed to help you maintain your new breast augmentation results for years to come!

Contact Us Today

Are you interested in learning more about the breast augmentation procedure or have questions regarding aftercare? If so, contact board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Golosow today to schedule a consultation appointment! She understands that each patient is an individual with unique desires and expectations and aims to provide you with the highest level of professionalism and excellence.


What You Should Know About Implant Related Lymphoma

If you have questions about breast implant-associated lymphoma, you’re not alone. It’s important to make an informed decision when opting for breast implants, and your board-certified plastic surgeon is your best source of information about it. As you schedule your breast augmentation consultation, here’s what to know about it and what it means for your breast implant procedure.

What is Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma?

Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma is not breast cancer. This disease is a rare type of lymphoma that affects the immune system. Implant-related lymphoma affects a very small number of women with breast implants, particularly the textured type. The lymphoma is not in the breast tissue itself but in the scar tissue surrounding the implant. Implant-related lymphoma typically advances slowly, but in more severe cases, it can spread to the lymph nodes near the breast. Most cases occur at least two years after the breast implants were placed.

An exact cause for implant-related lymphoma has not been discovered yet. Having implants with textured surfaces increases the risk of developing implant-related lymphoma. It’s thought that textured implants may carry a higher risk due to causing greater inflammation than smooth implants do. The type of implant fill (silicone or saline) does not seem to be a risk factor. There does not appear to be a difference in risk between women receiving implants for breast augmentation or women having breast reconstructive surgery, since certain textured expanders have also been shown to increase the risk.

Symptoms of implant-related lymphoma may include:

  • Persistent breast swelling
  • A mass or pain in the breast implant area
  • Fluid collection around the breast implant
  • Lump under the skin
  • Changes in breast shape or size
  • Redness

All symptoms related to implants should be reported to your plastic surgeon as soon as possible so you can review your options.

After confirming the presence of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma with a diagnostic test such as an ultrasound, MRI, needle biopsy, or CD30 immune staining, you’ll likely receive a referral to an oncologist. A consult from an oncologist can help to determine what stage the lymphoma is in and formulate a treatment plan. In addition to the stage of the lymphoma, factors like the type of lymphoma, your health status, and your age contribute to determining the right treatment plan for you. For a majority of cases, the implant must be surgically removed as well as the fibrous capsule surrounding the implant. This procedure can often treat implant-related lymphoma, but there may also be a need for lymph node removal near the breast implant if there are cancer cells present. In some cases where the cancer is more aggressive or advanced, chemotherapy may be necessary in addition to surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Golosow is a leading breast surgeon in the Fort Myers area and offers years of experience in helping patients achieve greater confidence with breast implants. To learn more about your options and how to ensure a safe and low-risk procedure, contact our office by calling or filling out our online contact form.

Your Guide to Breast Surgery in Fort Myers, FL

In the U.S., an estimated 8 women out of 1,000 have had some form of breast implant surgery. 60% of the women undergoing breast augmentation have done so for cosmetic reasons. So, if you’re considering breast surgery, you’re not alone. There are many different breast surgery options available, despite the popularity of breast augmentation. Here’s what to know about your options and how your board-certified plastic surgeon can help.

The Different Types of Breast Surgeries

If you’re unsatisfied with your breasts, then there are many different options with many different goals. Dr. Golosow can recommend the best option for you during your consultation, including options like:

During your consultation with Dr. Golosow, you’ll discuss your goals for breast surgery. Dr. Golosow will help you understand the different options open and what you can expect from your customized surgical plan.

Are You a Candidate for Breast Surgery?

If you think you’re a good candidate for breast surgery, you should pursue it for the right reasons. Breast surgery of any form is a personal choice and should not be done for the gratification of others. Other factors you should consider are:

  • Your physical health
  • Whether you’re pregnant or breastfeeding (or plan to be in the future)
  • The development of your breasts
  • Why you’re dissatisfied with the look of your breasts

Having Realistic Expectations

Taking breast augmentation as an example, you should have realistic expectations for surgery. This includes factors like the final results, outcomes, and recovery period. It’s also important to hear your plastic surgeon’s recommendations for additional procedures to achieve the results you want. For example, simply adding implants will not lift your breasts without the use of a breast lift. Plastic surgeons often complete a breast lift at the same time as an augmentation, so Dr. Golosow can recommend your best options.

No matter what type of breast surgery you decide upon. Dr. Golosow aims to help you improve your self-confidence and boost your self-image. Transforming your confidence in your body can have many positive impacts, so it’s important to partner with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help you mitigate the risks.

How to Prepare for Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Regardless of the type of surgical procedure you decide is right for you, you should be prepared physically and mentally for surgery. In the days leading up to your surgery, you should be sure to follow Dr. Golosow’s detailed instructions to prepare. Blood-thinning agents, such as Aspirin and anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, should be avoided. Avoiding recreational drugs and nicotine will improve your overall health and help you heal as well. Finally, make sure to follow instructions for fasting before your surgery and arranging for transport home afterward.

Schedule a Consultation

Each type of breast surgery is complicated and should be undertaken by a board-certified surgeon. To discuss your goals with Dr. Golosow, schedule a consultation at our Fort Myers-area locations. Contact us by calling or filling out our online contact form.

Why Getting A Breast Augmentation Is Totally Worth It

Many women around the world try to apply every trick they think can help them keep and maintain a youthful breast shape and size. No matter what size breasts you have or want, there are breast surgeries that can help you achieve your ideal, naturally beautiful figure, and breast augmentation is perhaps the most popular and well-known technique.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical process meant to modify the shape and size of the breasts. The procedure typically involves placing breast implants beneath your chest muscle or breast tissues. Other breast augmentation techniques include liposucting unwanted fat from elsewhere in the body and then injecting that fat into the breasts.

When planning for breast augmentation surgery, it’s important to look for an experienced and reputable surgeon in that field if you want your breasts to have the desired size and shape you’ve been craving for. At our state-of-the-art facility, we are equipped with the latest surgical equipment and a team of skilled medical experts led by Dr. Lorraine Golosow that provide breast augmentations with a feminine touch.

Is a Breast Augmentation Surgery Worth It?

When doing research online looking into breast augmentation, you are likely met with the extreme ends of opinions on whether the procedure was “worth it” for certain people. Horror stories and unnatural-looking results tend to draw the most clicks, whereas successful, nearly unnoticeable procedures rarely get attention. So when you’re deciding if the procedure will be worth it for you, it’s best to talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Golosow, who can provide a professional opinion and recommendation for your unique aesthetic goals.

Here are a few of the most-often experienced benefits of breast augmentation.

Restore the Lost State of Your Breasts

Several factors and life events can make your breasts lose the attractive size you used to enjoy. Perhaps the most common reason for significant changes in breast appearance, pregnancy and breastfeeding can make you lose breast projection and skin elasticity. On the other hand, many people undergoing treatment for breast cancer need or request a mastectomy, the removal of one or both breasts. When this is the case, breast reconstruction or augmentation can help people regain a sense of their life before breast cancer.

Regardless of what makes you lose that unique and appealing breast lift, undergoing breast augmentation can be a good way to restore your breasts to their previous look and feel.

Increase Self-Confidence

Breast augmentation, when performed with the right mindset and expectations, can help patients achieve higher self-esteem. One of the most commonly reported benefits of breast augmentation is an improved sense of confidence in the appearance of the breasts and overall figure both in and out of clothing.

Restore Youthful Appearance

As you age, your breasts will likely sag and lose that lively lift they once enjoyed. Breast augmentation or breast augmentation combined with breast lift may be a way to get a more youthful body contour in the breasts.

Schedule a Consultation About Breast Augmentation

If you’re not sure about the benefits of getting a breast augmentation surgery, schedule a meeting with us, and Dr. Lorraine Golosow will talk to you one on one about what the procedure is all about and inform you if you’re an ideal candidate for it. Get started by calling our office or filling out a contact form online today!

Will My Breast Implants Feel Real Or Fake?

Breast augmentation is the most common type of cosmetic surgery in the United States. It is estimated that over 350,000 breast augmentation procedures are performed in America every year.
A common question among people seeking breast augmentation procedures is how their breasts will look and feel once they have fully recovered from surgery. When it comes to how breast implants feel, many factors come into play.

What Makes a Breast Feel Real?

Obviously, breasts vary widely in shape and size among different people. In addition, Dr. Golosow knows that the feel of breasts also varies from one person to another. Some feel firm, while others are less so. The texture and density of breasts are determined by the kind and amount of certain tissues in the breast. Glandular tissues have a rubbery and dense feel. These tissues are responsible for maintaining the breast’s shape and projection. Breasts can also have lots of fat, making them feel softer and lose their shape more easily.

Therefore, the feel of a breast depends on the amount of fatty versus glandular tissues a person has. Dr. Golosow’s recommendations for breast implants will depend on this ratio, your desired results, and your overall proportions.

Do Breast Implants Feel Real?

As said earlier, the feel of a natural breast varies from one person to another, which means the best breast augmentation solution will also vary. Fortunately, the feel of breast implants is guided by specific patients’ expectations. Some want their augmented breasts to feel firm, while others want them more lax. There is a range of options for specific breast implants along this spectrum that Dr. Lorraine Golosow can talk to you about during a consultation.

To offer a broader overview of whether augmented breasts will feel real, let’s look at the options for implant materials. The type of implant determines whether a breast feels firm or squishy. The feel of a breast depends on the compression of the implant material.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone gel is made of a semisolid silicone gel formula. The feel of firmness varies depending on the cohesiveness of silicone chains. More cohesive implants are firmer than less cohesive ones and tend to maintain their shape for longer.

However, the silicone gel can be tweaked to feel more compressible and softer. Softer gel tends to make a breast feel squishier and look more natural depending on the original condition of the breast.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline implants are known for feeling firm. In layman’s language, saline implants are silicone shells filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Since water isn’t easily compressible, the breasts feel pretty stiff compared to silicone gel implants

However, surgeons have a way of making saline implants feel less firm by filling the implant with less water. Less water is displaced quickly, making the breast softer.

Breast Augmentation in Fort Myers, FL

Your breast augmentation results are highly dependent on the recommendation and skill of the plastic surgeon you choose to perform the procedure. That’s why so many patients trust Dr. Golosow with their breast augmentation: her results and reputation speak for themselves. To learn more about this procedure and what you can expect your breasts to feel like once they have settled, schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lorraine Golosow by calling or contacting us online today.

Am I Too Old for a Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in women of all ages. Although most people would believe that breast augmentation is mainly for younger women, there are a significant number of older and middle-aged women who consider breast augmentation at some point. If you’re one of them, it’s natural to wonder if breast augmentation is right for you at this stage of life. Here’s what to know about breast augmentation and what you can expect later in life.

Age Is Just a Number

Even women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s can benefit from breast augmentation. In fact, age isn’t the most important factor in determining your candidacy for breast augmentation. Instead, overall health is what matters most. If you’re healthy, non-smoking, and able to undergo surgery, you’re likely a good candidate for breast augmentation.

Consider Mammograms

Many women opt for breast augmentation in their 20s or 30s when regular mammograms are not a regular part of their health care. For middle-aged women, you’ll need to consider the effect implants can have on your regular breast cancer screenings – that’s because normal screening techniques can’t account for implants. You may need to take extra steps to account for your implants or even switch to a different provider. Dr. Golosow can help you determine the right steps to take for your health during your consultation.

Breast Lift May Be Necessary

Breast implants can be a great way to restore your confidence in your body later in life. However, implants won’t stop the impact of age on your body. Older women considering breast implants may need to also consider a breast lift in combination with their augmentation to correct sagging and ensure the implants look youthful and upright. This can mean extra surgical steps and extra cost, so Dr. Golosow can recommend your best options.

A Higher Risk of Complications

Relative to having implants at a younger age, older women may experience longer recovery times, various pains and aches, and at the same time, anesthesia-related complications. Some researchers believe that women in their 50s and above may experience more complications (such as infections) after the procedure. This is due to the age-related possibility of a decrease in hormone levels. In general, a woman around the age of 40 might have similar possible complications as a woman in her 20s. However, older women can be at a higher risk, so it’s important to discuss your options with the help of your board certified plastic surgeon.

Advantages of Breast Augmentation in Older Women

Women over their 40s may actually have some advantages of undergoing breast augmentation surgery. For one thing, the typical age for the onset of menopause is about 51 years. This means you won’t pose a pregnancy risk, which can negatively change your results if you become pregnant after your procedure. Additionally, you’ll be less prone to hormone fluctuations and changes in your body.

Schedule a Consultation

Breast augmentation is just as beneficial for older women as for younger women. To meet with Dr. Golosow and learn more about your options for breast augmentation, we invite you to contact our Fort Myers area offices by calling or filling out our online form.

How Long Do Implants Last? Silicone, Saline, and When to Replace

One important factor in your breast implant surgery process is the probability that they’ll need to be replaced at some point. Although techniques and technologies are better than ever, it’s always smart to consider the possibility that you’ll need revisional surgery. This can seem overwhelming, so Dr. Golosow can give you the best idea of what to expect from the lifespan of your unique implants. Here’s what to know about breast implant replacement and what to expect if you need it.

What’s the average lifetime of an implant?

While implants don’t expire, they’re not immune from complications; your average silicone or saline implant is replaced within one to two decades, after which roughly 20% of patients pursue removal or replacement within 8-10 years. There can be a lot of reasons for this aside from complications, however – sometimes it comes down to simple preference. There are some complications that will require replacement, however, so here’s what to know about them.

Signs Your Implants May Need To Go


With any implant surgery, the body naturally forms a capsule of scar tissue around the foreign body. Sometimes the scar tissue hardens around an implant in a process known as capsular contracture. This can cause pain, soreness, tightness, and irregularities in the breast. In severe cases, it can even displace the implant and lead to unfavorable cosmetic results. There are effective ways to prevent capsular contracture during and after your surgery, so Dr. Golosow will discuss your best options.

Saline Rupture

If holes or tears from within a saline implant’s shell, it will deflate. Although the saline will be safely absorbed by the body, the end result is a drastic difference in the appearance of the breasts. Although ruptures are increasingly rare, your risk can go up if the implant experiences too much wear and creasing over time.

Silicone Rupture

Silicone is denser than saline, meaning it usually remains around the implant or adjacent scar tissue after a rupture. This means a rupture (sometimes called a silent rupture) can be much harder to detect with silicone implants. Some known symptoms of a silent rupture include:

  • Change in sensation
  • Asymmetry
  • Burning
  • Diminished size
  • Hard knots
  • Numbness
  • Pain/tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Tingling

Roughly 2-12% of silicone implants rupture at some point, but this can depend on many different factors.

Ripples and Palpability

Ripples happen when the implant wrinkles, while palpability is the ability to sense rippling by touch. Sometimes these changes are visible through the skin and can require surgical correction if you’re unhappy with how they look.


Implants are not zero-gravity, meaning they can lose their initial position over time. Changes in body weight can also lead to an unfavorable look. If these affect your cosmetic satisfaction or cause discomfort, then implant revision or replacement is an option.

What to Expect From Implant Removal

You don’t need to have had your implants placed by Dr. Golosow to have her remove them. During your consultation, you’ll discuss your implants’ condition and review surgical options like simply removing the implant, removal plus breast lift, removing the scar capsule, or replacing the implant (possibly with an accompanying breast lift). Each procedure is unique and Dr. Golosow can help you determine the best course of action for your cosmetic goals.

Schedule a Consultation

Breast implant removal or revision can help you love your implants again. To meet with Dr. Golosow and learn more about your options, we invite you to contact our Fort Myers office by calling or filling out our online form.


How to Prepare for Your Breast Augmentation

If you are preparing for any surgery, you’re likely feeling nervous in the days leading up to the procedure. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce anxiety. Anyone pursuing breast augmentation with Dr. Lorraine Golosow should follow her pre-procedure directions, making sure they can receive a ride home and pursue aftercare with someone they trust so they can recover quickly. These are some of the things Dr. Golosow may have you look over in order to prepare yourself for breast augmentation surgery.

Make Your Arrangements

On the date of your breast augmentation surgery, you will need someone to transport you to and from our office. Either this person or someone else you trust should be willing to be with you as often as you need during the first 24 hours of your recovery. Since the procedure uses general anesthesia that will leave you fatigued and drowsy hours after you leave, you will definitely need the assistance. The importance of this caretaker means you should plan things out with the relevant parties several days ahead of the procedure.

Prep Your Home

Think about whatever you will need or want after your breast augmentation surgery to make you feel as comfortable as possible during recovery. Here are a few suggestions.

  • Make your bed with clean bedding.
  • Keep your favorite entertainment options nearby so you can read, listen, or watch from the comfort of bed.
  • Go grocery shopping and maybe even prepare some meals ahead of time.
  • Since you won’t be able to raise your arms above your head, arrange important things in your home so this won’t be a problem.
  • Refill your prescriptions ahead of time.
  • Pick out comfortable clothes for the days after surgery. Items like sweatpants, robes, and anything else designed for comfort and ease should be your priority.
  • Settle household chores ahead of time. Your priority after surgery should be on recovery, so either do your various chores before the procedure or have others handle them for you.

While each of these things may seem trivial, every little thing that you can have taken care of adds up to a quicker and easier post-op recovery.

Heading Back to Work

The average patient needs anywhere from three to seven days to fully recover from breast augmentation. This means that you should request the appropriate time away from work or school. It also means that you need to modify any childcare arrangements you have.

Once Dr. Golosow determines that you are safe to return to non-strenuous activity, you must stick to whatever recovery instructions you were given. It will take a few weeks before your body will be strong enough to return to activities like a high-impact exercise routine.

It is normal for your breasts to appear high-up for as much as three months after the procedure but this is normal; all implants eventually settle into their proper place.

It is worth noting that where you had your implants placed within your body is a major factor in the timeline of your recovery process. Breast implants that are installed below the pectoral muscle take a longer time to heal than ones that were simply placed below the breast tissue.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Not everyone responds the same way to invasive surgeries, which is why it’s important to talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon about the options you have to achieve the look you desire. Dr. Lorraine Golosow is here to listen to your concerns and provide an honest assessment in your first consultation. Schedule your consultation today to find out what our team can do for you.