What Happens During a Breast Implant Removal?

The great thing about a breast augmentation with implants is that they can be removed at any time. While most women choose to have implants for the rest of their lives, some individuals decide to have them removed or replaced. If you have implants, you already know what it’s like to have them placed, but what happens when they’re taken out?

Deciding to Remove Your Implants

Individuals might choose to remove their implants simply because they’ve decided they want to live with their natural breasts. Others may have experienced complications such as rippling or a rupture and choose to have them taken out or replaced. You might also have implants exchanged if you’re no longer happy with your cup size and wish to go bigger or smaller.

Your Implant Removal Procedure

During your procedure to remove your implants, general anesthesia or sedation will be used. To avoid adding any new scars, your surgeon will trace your previous incision line during surgery. The implant will then be taken out or replaced with another implant if you choose. The procedure should take about an hour to complete.

After Implant Removal

You might be wondering what your breasts will look like after your implant removal procedure. If you decide not to have your implants replaced, the pockets where they once were will eventually seal. Like any other breast surgery, you will have some recovery and downtime to heal, however a removal will be an easier, quicker recovery. You will most likely be required to wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and reduce your risk of the breast pocket filling with fluid. Depending on how large your implants were, many women experience lax skin and sagging once their implants are removed. In this case, you might decide to have a breast lift at the time of your removal, or later on to remove excess skin and tighten the breast tissue.

If you are unhappy with your breast implants, you might decide to have an implant removal or exchange. Contact our office today for more information or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Golosow to discuss your concerns.

Could you Benefit from a Breast Reduction?

While many women dream of having larger breasts, for some, large breasts can cause many emotional and physical discomforts! The extra weight from breasts that are overly large can impair your ability to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. If you’ve been suffering from overly large breasts, you might decide that a breast reduction could greatly benefit you.

What is a Breast Reduction?

A breast reduction is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat and tissue from the breasts. A breast reduction can greatly reduce discomforts associated with large breasts and can create more proportion and symmetry with the rest of the body.

Who is a Candidate

To be a candidate for a breast reduction, you must be physically healthy and a non-smoker. Successful candidates have an optimistic outlook with realistic goals in mind. If you experience the discomforts from overly large breasts such as back, neck, and shoulder pain, skin irritation, or bothersome feelings, you could benefit from a breast reduction.

What a Breast Reduction Can Fix

A breast reduction procedure can make exercise and daily activity easier and more comfortable. Without the extra weight from large breasts, you won’t have to limit physical activity which can result in a healthier lifestyle! A breast reduction can also reduce common pain associated with breasts that are too large such as chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain, and even breathing problems. With reduced breast size and a more proportional figure, you can fit into clothes more easily. Along with these changes can come an increase in self-confidence. A breast reduction can help you feel comfortable in your body without feeling weighed down by overly large breasts.

If you are living with overly large breasts that cause emotional and physical discomfort, it might be time for a breast reduction. If you are in the Fort Myers, Cape Coral, or Lehigh, FL areas, contact us today for a consultation with Dr. Golosow!

Your Breast Reconstruction Options

A breast reconstruction procedure can restore the shape of your breasts after a mastectomy. The decision to have this procedure is very personal and can give life-changing results, making you feel like yourself again. When it comes to breast reconstruction, several techniques can be used depending on your preference, body type, and your surgeon’s recommendation.

Breast Reconstruction with Implants

Breast reconstruction with implants will require a pocket to be created for the implant to be inserted. To create a pocket, a tissue expander will be placed in the breast area. The device will then be gradually filled with saline or air through a valve over the course of two to six months. Once the pocket is large enough, the permanent silicone or saline implant can be placed to create a breast mound.

Flap Reconstruction

Flap reconstruction involves taking tissue, fat, or muscle from other areas of the body to recreate the breast mound. The most common flap reconstruction technique is the TRAM flap reconstruction which uses tissue and muscle taken from the abdominal area. The DIEP flap is the most advanced form of reconstruction available today. For DIEP flap reconstruction, only skin and fat is taken from the abdomen, not muscle. By preserving the muscle, this technique can reduce pain during recovery and prevents abdominal weakness in the future! Both TRAM and DIEP flap reconstruction result in a slimmer abdominal profile as well. Some women prefer this technique because results feel more natural.

Which is Best for you?

Both implant and flap reconstruction can effectively recreate the breast mound to restore your breast shape after a mastectomy. In some cases, a combination of these techniques can be used. No matter what technique you and surgeon choose, you can expect some recovery and downtime as your new breast heals.

If you are in the Fort Myers, Cape Coral, or Lehigh, FL areas, Dr. Golosow can assist you with choosing the best technique for your breast reconstruction procedure. Contact our office today for more information or to schedule your consultation!

Tummy Tuck vs Liposuction

Are you tired of living with stubborn belly fat that just won’t seem to budge, despite a healthy diet and regular exercise? If, so you may be wondering if a plastic surgery procedure can help. However, which procedure is right for you? The two most common procedures used to help eliminate belly fat include tummy tuck and liposuction. Read on to learn more about these procedures and which one can help you meet your aesthetic goals.


Liposuction is a body sculpting procedure and is done using a thin tube called a cannula to suction fat out of the body. This procedure can be done on many areas of the body including the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, waist, upper arms, back, chest, neck, calves, and more. This procedure is only meant to remove stubborn pockets of fat, and cannot tighten loose skin.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is done to eliminate excess fat and skin from the abdomen, as well as tighten weakened or separated abdominal muscles. In some cases, liposuction may also be used during a tummy tuck procedure to contour the abdominal area. Pregnancy and weight loss are the two biggest culprits for excess abdominal skin. This procedure can help individuals achieve a tighter abdominal profile.

Which One is Right for You?

Overall, if you are looking to eliminate excess belly bulge, liposuction may be able to help. However, if you are dealing with excess skin, fat, and weakened abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck may be the better choice. A consultation with Dr. Golosow can help to determine which treatment option can help you reach your aesthetic goals.

If you are located in the Fort Myers, Lehigh, or Cape Coral areas and are interested in learning more about tummy tuck or liposuction, contact our office today at 239-330-6448.

Breast Lift vs. Breast Augmentation

Breast surgery is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery done today. While in the past cosmetic and plastic surgery was somewhat taboo, today’s society is much more accepting, and women are no longer keeping their surgery under wraps. Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery are now commonly discussed between women, and more women than ever are opting for the procedures. However, what are the main differences between these surgeries, and who can benefit from them? Read on for the answers to these questions.

Who Can Benefit from a Breast Lift?

Women who have sagging breasts following pregnancy or breastfeeding, or due to weight loss or aging can often benefit from a breast lift. This procedure is done to reposition the breasts to a perkier, more youthful position. There are a variety of incision patterns that can be used based on the degree of breast sag and your individual anatomy. Breast lift surgery is only done to correct sagging breasts, not increase breast size.

Who Can Benefit from a Breast Augmentation?

Women who believe that their breasts are too small, or have asymmetrical breasts can often benefit from a breast augmentation. This procedure increases the size of the breasts using breast implants. The two forms of breast implant used today are saline and silicone. The type of implant used and the incision pattern chosen will depend on your individual aesthetic goals and anatomy.

In many cases, women can benefit from a breast augmentation combined with a breast lift. If you are interested in breast surgery, contact our office today to schedule a consultation! We offer three convenient locations in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and Lehigh, FL.

Your Guide to The Most Popular Injectable Treatments

Nonsurgical treatments are extremely popular, due to their quick treatment time and lack of downtime. In fact, injectable treatments including Botox and dermal fillers were the top two noninvasive procedures of 2016, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). We have created a guide to these procedures to help you better decide which treatment is right for you.


Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are categorized as neurotoxins because they are made up of botulinum toxin type A. These cosmetic injections are used to smooth forehead lines, lines between the eyebrows, and crow’s feet. They work by blocking the nerve signals that cause facial muscles to contract, which causes wrinkles and lines over time. By temporarily relaxing these facial muscles, lines are smoothed, and a more youthful appearance is achieved. These injectables offer temporary results, lasting about 3-6 months.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers work to add volume and fullness under the skin, smoothing lines and wrinkles, plumping the lips, and restoring lost volume in the mid-face area. The majority of dermal fillers, like Juvéderm and Restylane, are made with hyaluronic acid, which works to absorb moisture, helping to plump and smooth the skin. Results from dermal fillers are temporary but can be long-lasting, with some providing results up to two years.

If you are looking to achieve a younger-looking facial appearance without the downtime associated with surgical procedures, injectable treatments may be right for you! When considering any form of cosmetic procedure, patients should be sure to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to ensure that they are in good hands. Patients in the Ft. Myers area can contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Golosow today.