Could you Benefit from a Breast Reduction?
While many women dream of having larger breasts, for some, large breasts can cause many emotional and physical discomforts! The extra weight from breasts that are overly large can impair your ability to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. If you’ve been suffering from overly large breasts, you might decide that a breast reduction could greatly benefit you.
What is a Breast Reduction?
A breast reduction is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat and tissue from the breasts. A breast reduction can greatly reduce discomforts associated with large breasts and can create more proportion and symmetry with the rest of the body.
Who is a Candidate
To be a candidate for a breast reduction, you must be physically healthy and a non-smoker. Successful candidates have an optimistic outlook with realistic goals in mind. If you experience the discomforts from overly large breasts such as back, neck, and shoulder pain, skin irritation, or bothersome feelings, you could benefit from a breast reduction.
What a Breast Reduction Can Fix
A breast reduction procedure can make exercise and daily activity easier and more comfortable. Without the extra weight from large breasts, you won’t have to limit physical activity which can result in a healthier lifestyle! A breast reduction can also reduce common pain associated with breasts that are too large such as chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain, and even breathing problems. With reduced breast size and a more proportional figure, you can fit into clothes more easily. Along with these changes can come an increase in self-confidence. A breast reduction can help you feel comfortable in your body without feeling weighed down by overly large breasts.
If you are living with overly large breasts that cause emotional and physical discomfort, it might be time for a breast reduction. If you are in the Fort Myers, FL area, contact us today for a consultation with Dr. Golosow!