What to Know About Breast Revision and the Risks
Breast revision is a surgery that can be performed after you undergo a procedure like a breast augmentation, lift, or reduction. There are many different things that can be achieved with breast revision, but the most common form is when your plastic surgeon swaps out breast implants for different ones. If you’re planning on getting breast surgery or have already had it, then it’s a good idea to consider that you may need a revisional surgery in the future. Although this is not the case for everyone, it’s still a risk that you’ll take. Here’s what to know about breast revision and what to expect if you need one in the future.
Reasons for A Breast Revision
The most common reason for breast revision is unsatisfactory results or, in some cases, simply wanting a different implant type, size, or placement. Some complications are the reason for breast revision, including bad placement, capsular contracture, or visible rippling. Implant rupture is rarer but does call for breast revision. Additionally, different stages of life can cause an increase or decrease in breast size, such as pregnancy and weight gain. Some women change their minds about their breasts as they age and want their implants removed entirely. Other times, women feel like they chose implants that are too small. Although it’s a common recommendation that breast implants should be replaced every ten years, this is not the case for every patient and Dr. Golosow can give you the best idea of what to expect.
Breast Revision Risks
Every surgery comes with risks, so it’s important to understand that you’ll assume these risks of breast revision when you undergo breast augmentation the first time around. Often, revision is more complicated than a breast augmentation. Many challenges, like the presence of scar tissue, makes it more difficult for your plastic surgeon to make subtle changes. Anatomical changes can also complicate the procedure, especially in cases where you underwent breast augmentation a long time ago or underwent pregnancy or weight gain since then.
Your breast revision can also be made riskier by choosing the wrong plastic surgeon. If your initial plastic surgeon was not board-certified or was inexperienced in performing breast augmentation, then this can make it more difficult for your revisional plastic surgeon to achieve the goals you’re looking for. You should always verify that each plastic surgeon you receive care from is board certified and can show before-and-after pictures of work they’ve done in the past.
How to Reduce the Risks
Having a successful surgery the first time is the surest way to avoid a breast revision. However, some women are still unhappy with their results even if they have a safe and successful surgery, so it’s important to listen to your plastic surgeon’s recommendations and experience. Do your research and talk to more than one plastic surgeon before deciding which one to use– they should be honest about your goals and whether they’re in line with what’s achievable with breast augmentation surgery. Price should not be the deciding factor when choosing a plastic surgeon; cheaper is not better and can even increase the odds that you’ll need revisional surgery. Finally, having realistic expectations is the best way to ensure satisfying results.
Schedule a Consultation
Dr. Lorraine Golosow is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast revision surgeries. To learn more about your breast augmentation and breast revision options, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our Fort Myers area offices by calling or filling out our online form.